Economics Program

Why Study Economics at SUU?

Students in a study area in the Business Building.

Economics is the study of how choices are made. Here at SUU, the economics program provides a cutting edge curriculum on how individuals, businesses, and governments make choices. You will gain a technical skill set to quantitatively evaluate the consequences and outcomes of these choices.  Understanding how choices are made and being able to evaluate these choices will prepare you for a wide variety of careers.

Highly effective teaching—focused on student learning—is the hallmark of the economics program.

In addition to innovative teaching, the economics faculty strives to make meaningful intellectual contributions through academic research, articles for popular media, consulting, and conference presentations. As such, courses reflect the frontier of what is being done in the field of economics, preparing students like you for careers after graduation.

Programs Available: Bachelor Degree, Minor

Apply Now!

Southern Utah University Working Paper Series

SUUWP was established in the spring of 2019 as a way to highlight and showcase undergraduate research. Originally stemming from research projects from the undergraduate econometrics course, SUUWP is for any student using economic tools to conduct original research. To be published on this site, students must write an academic research paper and present their findings at an academic conference.

View the SUU Working Paper Series

What can you do with an Economics degree from SUU?

Economics emphasizes the development of thinking and problem-solving skills, economics prepares graduates for a wide variety of careers and a changing environment.

Common fields of employment include general business, government, financial services, and consulting; recent graduates hold job titles such as manager, researcher or analyst.

Economics is also an exceptional major to prepare for MBA or Law programs.

Here is what some of our graduates have done with their degree:

What classes do you have to take to major in Economics?

Foundational Courses

  • Principles of Microeconomics
  • Principles of Macroeconomics
  • Managerial Economics
  • Macroeconomics for Business

Quantitative Courses

  • Quantitative Methods
  • Decision Modeling
  • Econometrics
  • Senior Seminar

Elective Courses

  • Public Finance
  • Sports Economics
  • Public Policy
  • International Economics
  • Behavioral Economics
  • Gender Economics

More details on what it takes to major or minor in Economics:

Academic Advisors are available for undergraduate and graduate students, career coaching, and incoming students.

Econ faculty distributing a handout in a classroom.

Department Chair

David Berri

David Berri

Office: BB

Who Teaches These Classes?

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