Higher Education Web Resources
National Data Sources
- U.S. Department of Education [www.ed.gov]
- National Center for Education Statistics [www.ed.gov/nces/]
- Bureau of Labor Statistics [www.bls.gov]
- U.S. Census Bureau [www.census.gov]
- Higher Education Commissions and Accreditation Associations
- AACSB-International Association for Management Education [www.aacsb.org]
- Computer Science Accreditation Board (CSAB) [www.csab.org]
- Education Commission of States [www.ecs.org]
- National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) [http://nasad.arts-accredit.org/]
- National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD) [nasd.arts-accredit.org/]
- National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) [www.nasm.org]
- National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST) [www.nast.org]
- National Athletic Training Association (NATA) [www.nata.org]
- National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) [www.ncate.org]
- Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges [www.nasc.org]
- Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education [www.wiche.edu]
State Higher Education Agencies
Utah State Board of Regents [ushe.edu]
Higher Education Associations
- AAHE [www.aahea.org]
- EDUCAUSE [www.educause.edu]
- SCUP [www.scup.org]
- AAUP [aaup.org]
- AASCU [www.aascu.org]
Higher Education Organizations
- ACT [www.act.org]
- College Board [www.collegeboard.org]
- Educational Testing Service [www.etc.org]
Higher Education Publications
- Chronicle of Higher Education [www.chronicle.com]
- Ask ERIC [www.eric.ed.gov]
- The London Times Higher Education [http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/]
- Horizon [www.horizon.unc.edu]
Internet Resources for Planning and Institutional Research
- Institutional Research Resources Homepages
- California Association for Institutional Research
- The Common Data Set (CDS) Project
Higher Education Research Centers and Institutes
- Higher Education Research Institute
- National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing
- National Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment