
All curriculum changes are submitted and evaluated through Curriculog, SUU's online curriculum management software. A link is available in the Portal under "Resources," and you can also access the site directly at You will sign in with your regular SUU account through integrated single-sign on.

The curriculum process is ruled by SUU Policy 6.8 Development and Revision of Curriculum and General Education


When will the curriculum changes go into effect?

The SUU General Catalog's lead term is each Fall semester, meaning that any curriculum changes approved during the academic year will go into effect the following Fall at the earliest.

How do I get added to Curriculog?

All SUU employees with an email address already have access to Curriculog to submit and search proposals. If you need to be added to a specific curriculum committee, contact your dean's office to start the process.

When will next year's forms be available?

Curriculog forms are specific to each catalog iteration (e.g., 2023-2024 General Catalog) and are periodically inactivated through the academic year once we can no longer accept those forms. Forms for the next catalog will be activated in early July before the new academic year starts, once that year's catalog has been finalized. For example, Curriculog forms for the 2024-2025 General Catalog would be available in July 2023.


Provost's Office