Sustainability at SUU
SUU is committed to finding ways to foster and encourage sustainability on campus as well as in the entire southern Utah area.
Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations. Simply put, sustainability is meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same. For more info on sustainability, visit the Environmental Protection Agency website.
Our goal is to help you:
- Understand how you can be more sustainable in your everyday life and help others to do the same.
- See what past, present and future ways SUU has been working on being more sustainable throughout campus and how it can encourage local communities to do the same.
- Find ways to be more involved with resources and events.