Random Acts of T-Birds

Every time a Thunderbird chooses kindness, we make the world a little better, a little brighter and a whole lot happier. We invite you to join the Random Acts Challenge.
Ways You Can Serve
- Do yard work for an elderly neighbor
- Bake cookies and take them to a police station
- Go door to door collecting canned goods
- Have a lemonade stand or car wash to raise money for a good cause
- Write thank you notes to veterans
- Make no sew blankets for Linus Project
- Make and deliver lunches for homeless nearby
- Offer to babysit for a single mother
- Write a note of encouragement for someone who is struggling
- Befriend a widow and take your children to visit
- Donate gently used clothing, toys to social services
- Provide respite for foster parents
- Pick up trash or pull weeds at a local park
- Leave a note of thanks for a mail carrier

You've Been Served!
Now it's time for you to share a Random Act of T-Bird.
- Place the "We've Been Served" sign on the door
- Print additional sheets and find additional service ideas
- Serve 3 neighbors and leave a copy of this sheet on their door
- Share how you were served on social media using #suuserve @suuserve
You've Been Served Sheet