DIY Halloween Costumes for College Students

Posted: October 24, 2016 | Author: Abigail Wyatt | Read Time: 3 minutes

DIY Halloween Costumes

Halloween is less than a week away. Do you have your costume yet? Still trying to decide what to wear? Don’t worry because a good, creative costume doesn’t mean buying an expensive one from the store. By using a little imagination you can DIY a fun clever outfit in no time without breaking the bank.

“Store bought Halloween costumes are usually expensive and aren’t even that good,” said Heather Stein, owner of Poser’s Place in Cedar City, Utah. “You can put together your own costume that can turn out even better.”

Together Stein and employee, Twila Villa, arranged the clothes in Poser’s giving shoppers ideas for different costumes.

“By creating a costume from your own wardrobe, you can keep things simple and practical,” said Villa.

By mixing and matching and using the right accessories, here are four steps to help you dress up for Halloween in a way that is cheap, easy and fun.

  1. Pick a theme

The first step to any great costume is deciding what you want to dress up as. This is often the most difficult step. Start by writing a list of all your favorite things. Don’t limit your list in any way. It can include food, tv shows, movies, activities, games, etc. Start with the first thing on your list and let your creative juices start flowing.

Think about how you can use specific colors to build your costume. Are candy corns your favorite sweet? Wear a white hat, orange shirt, and yellow pants. Do you love Elsa from Frozen? Wear a blue sequined top and a blue skirt, and braid your hair. Remember: it doesn’t have to be completely accurate to be a good costume.

Students wearing Halloween costumes

2. Collect supplies

Once you’ve decided on a theme, start collecting supplies by looking in your own closet. Look for clothing and accessories that will work for your character. If you want to be a minion from Despicable Me, wear a yellow shirt, overalls, and goggles. If you can’t find everything you need in your own closet, take a trip to a local thrift store, like Poser’s Place, where you can buy countless, discounted items to help complete your outfit.

3. Finalize costume details

Don’t forget about the finishing touches. Try on your costume and ask yourself if anything is missing. For example, if you want to be a witch you’ll need a broom. Makeup can also go a long way to help your costume. If you’re dressing up as an 80s girl you’ll need bright eye shadow and if you want to be a zombie you’ll want pale skin and fake blood to increase the effect.

4. Flaunt your creativity

Now that you have your costume, go show it off. Attend a Halloween party, trick or treat, and use the money you saved by not buying an expensive costume to have fun. Take pride in what you’ve come up with because price never determines a good costume.

If you still don’t know what to dress up as, you can always go as a classic Halloween character. Be a prince or princess by reusing your old prom clothes, be an evil witch or wizard by dressing up in black and carrying around a broom, be a zombie by cutting up old clothes, dress up as a ghost by cutting holes in a white bedsheet, or be a vampire by dressing in black and wearing a cape.

No matter what your Halloween costume, the most important thing to remember is to have fun and let your inner child out. Halloween is one of the few times during the year where it is socially acceptable to wear something outrageous. So enjoy the Halloween parties, corn mazes or trick-or-treating opportunities in your best DIY costume.

Happy Halloween.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

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