Five Reasons to Vote This Election Season

Posted: October 20, 2020 | Author: Cami Mathews | Read Time: 4 minutes

Why you should vote

Election Day is coming up. Are you ready? Have you registered to vote? Many voters nationwide are frustrated with the current political system, to say nothing of the toll 2020 has taken on the nation’s morale. But, the only way to change the system is to exercise your constitutional right to vote.

It can be daunting to approach a voting station and fill out the voting ballot for your future leaders and it can be overwhelming to watch the news and hear only negative comments about the future President, but that should not deter you from voting. It is time to step up and let your voice be heard on this beautiful Election Day.

Why Should You Vote?

“Voting is essential for our generation,” said Olivia Johnson, chairwoman of the Voter Registration Committee at Southern Utah University’s Michael O. Leavitt Center for Politics and Public Service. “We have an obligation as citizens of the United States to go out and vote! It's our responsibility to elect those into office we see fit and to make a better world for generations to come.”

Voting is an important right and responsibility for all citizens, including students.

“If students engage in the voting process early in their lives, they will see that voting, at all levels, has an impact on them and the things they care about,” said Donna Law, executive director of development and government relations at SUU. “Local elections have a great impact on an individual’s day to day experiences. Participating in the election process, even if it doesn’t go your way, is empowering and you know that you did what you could to make a difference.”

There is More Than the National Election

Contrary to popular belief, there is more going on in this election season than just voting for the new President. Elections for local and state officials can have a bigger influence on you than on the national level. It is important to vote for those individuals that may live next door or shop at the same grocery store. Local and statewide elections hit home a lot more than any national election. Learn about local candidates and issues in Utah.

The Voters Reflect the People

If only a small percent of the population votes, then only a small percent of the population is represented. It is important to note that you represent yourself and your voice and that is all that matters. You do not have to be a celebrity to have an influence on today’s world. Voting ensures that you are heard.

You Can Change the System

You may not like the two-party system that currently runs the country, and that is perfectly fine. The way to change the system and see a shift in how politics works is to get out and vote for a change. If you vote for a third-party candidate, know that your voice is being heard and the change is in process. Though your third party candidate may not win the election, they will make an impact on the country. Do not think that the country is stuck in its ways and it will never change. Know that your voice matters and you can make a difference.

When You Vote, You Are More Educated

There is a lot of information that is thrown at you preceding an election year. However, those that take the time to become educated voters better themselves and the world around them. It takes a certain type of person to sit down, research the facts, and come to an educated decision as to who they want as their elected officials. Take the time to be educated and do your research to better the election. Though it can be difficult to filter through everything, when used right technology can help you sift through all the political content to find the information you need: who the candidates are, and what their platform is.

It is Your Civic Duty

You have heard over and over that it is a privilege to vote, and it is. There are plenty of places in the world that do not let anyone vote or let their voices be heard. Take into account that you live in a special place that gives the people the right to freedom of speech, as well as the freedom to go out and cast their vote for those they want to see in office. Do not take this privilege and throw it aside because you think your vote doesn't count or you do not like politics. Take a moment, realize how lucky you are, and go vote.

“If you need help registering to vote,” said Johnson. “Please visit the Leavitt Center!”

The Michael O. Leavitt Center is the center for politics and public service at SUU and the only student-managed center of its kind in Utah. The center focuses on research, citizenship, leadership, and service, and advocates for increased civic engagement among the campus and local communities.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Leavitt Center