2017 College of Performing and Visual Arts Valedictorian

Posted: May 01, 2017 | Author: Ashley H Pollock | Read Time: 3 minutes

Southern Utah University’s College of Performing & Visual Arts (CPVA) is proud to announce Mallory Petersen as the CPVA valedictorian for their convocation at 1 p.m. on April 28, 2017. Petersen will receive her Bachelor of Science in Art with a Museum Studies and Art History minor.

Mallory Petersen

As a child, Petersen always wanted to create and make something with her hands. Thinking creatively came easy to her. She began with perler beads and boondoggle and moved on to drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture. In high school, she only took a few art classes. After graduating, she came to SUU with a scholarship and was impressed with the Art + Design program.

Mallory has a talent that is unmatched. She can use any medium to create gorgeous works of art. Deciding on a specific focus for her art was too difficult because she loves it all. She didn’t want to be limited, so she pursued a Bachelor of Science in Art rather than selecting one area to earn a Bachelor of Fine Art. Her favorite class, Kinetic Sculpture where she was able to make sculptures move, ended up being in an area that she doesn’t regularly work.

Petersen says, “As an artist, I am intrigued by detail. This fascination comes from a combination of my parents' influences. My dad is a science teacher and he always taught me that exploration was a great tool for learning. I especially like to explore the little details I find in nature and the world around me, whether it be in raindrops, the human body, or even chrome. By exploring these details, I discover patterns and gain more knowledge about the object and its fundamental qualities. My mom and grandma, who both studied art in college, taught me to find beauty in these patterns.”

Mallory is a student that gives back. She helped open the new Southern Utah Museum of Art (SUMA) at the Beverley Center for the Arts. Reece Summers, Executive Director of SUMA, said, “She is self-motivated, self-directed, and gets everything done. I would take a thousand more Mallorys. She is unassuming but absolutely capable in all areas.”

The most fulfilling part of being an artist for her lies in the process of making things work and mastering the medium in which she works. Taking what is in her head and making it a reality through her work. Mallory is inspired by what Jake Parker said, “finished, not perfect.” Petersen went on to say, “As an artist you sometimes have to let go of the control. You might make new discoveries as you let go and stop trying to be perfect.”

After graduation, Mallory will continue to work as an employee of the Southern Utah Museum of Art. She will also continue to create art and never wants her art to become stressful. She wants to keep her art from being tainted by the necessity of work. She said that wherever she ends up, she would like to work in a museum. It keeps her in the art world while allowing her to create in her own time.

Mallory’s art will be on display through April 29, 2017. For more information about Mallory Petersen and to view some of her art pieces, please visit her website at www.mallorys-gallery.com.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Student Graduation College of Performing and Visual Arts

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