Great Date Ideas for Utah’s Great Outdoors

Posted: October 02, 2017 | Author: Sally Perkins | Read Time: 2 minutes

Students studying outdoorsAs college students, it can be difficult to remember to explore the great outdoors as a refreshing weekend activity. Staying near campus all the time means running the risk of getting cabin fever and feeling weighed down by schoolwork and studying. So why not muster up the courage and ask out that girl you’ve been admiring in your Chemistry class?

With so many beautiful locations in Utah to explore, a date surrounded by natural wonders is a perfect option for a Saturday afternoon. Whether you are considering a picnic in Zion National Park, a kayaking adventure in Sand Hollow, or a fun-filled, romantic hiking date on one of the many nature trails, Utah offers so many opportunities for you and your date to unwind and make lasting memories together.

Here are some great outdoor date ideas for you and your significant other:

Plan a Surprise Getaway

If your date has left all the details up to you, plan for a secret getaway and don’t tell them where you are going. With so many adventurous parks like Canyonlands National Park or Bryce National Park, southern Utah definitely makes for the element of surprise, as there is a slim chance your date has already explored every stunning location nearby. Tell your date to simply bring along some warm clothes and sturdy shoes, and make the rest of the outing a total surprise. This way, it will be an exciting date right from the start! SUU Outdoors can help you plan the perfect hiking or camping adventure.

Draw Up Your Own Treasure Hunt

If you have a car and are able to get to the outdoor location of your upcoming excursion quickly, you can plan a little treasure hunt. This will not only impress your date - since you are taking the time to make the outing extra special, but it will also be a fun way to keep both of you occupied. Planting tiny treasures around the trail will get you into the creative spirit.

Hike Beneath the Stars

Another great idea is to plan a hiking date by starlight. By renting headlamps from SUU Outdoors, you can maximize your hiking adventure by continuing on into the night. Beneath the starlight, you can see the moon glisten on Lake Powell or see the Grand Staircase from an entirely new perspective. With only you, your date, and the stars, you will be sure to have a romantic date appreciating the tranquility of nature long after the sun has set.

Next time you are trying to think up a fun date idea for the weekend that doesn’t include the regular college bars or dinner spots, consider venturing into southern Utah’s many trails or parks for a unique escapade in the great outdoors.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Cedar City Blog Outdoors Utah SUU Outdoors

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