4 Tips to Maintain Your Health While in College

Posted: November 20, 2017 | Author: Cami Mathews | Read Time: 3 minutes

J.L Sorenson physical education buildingBalancing life as a college student can be challenging. From classes to work to exercise, students can easily become overwhelmed and discouraged. With the help of Southern Utah University’s Health and Wellness Program, students can use these tips to stay healthy.

Tip #1: Manage stress
With high academic standards and expectations, the stress of college can quickly add up. Common indicators of experiencing too much stress include difficulty concentrating, increased worry, short temper or increased agitation, and change in eating habits.

There are ways of reducing and managing stress. The first is to sharpen your time management skills; this can be key in learning to manage daily responsibilities. Next, try setting specific goals for yourself that will improve your mood and reduce your stress. Other helpful hints are to avoid procrastination, exercise regularly, and try mindfulness meditation.

Tip #2: Seek professional help
There are multiple resources at SUU for students who need to speak with a professional. The Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) helps students achieve their educational, career, and personal goals. All services provided by CAPS are free for students.

Services offered include individual counseling, couples counseling, and biofeedback. During each session at the biofeedback lab, a student’s stress response is monitored using a biofeedback instrument. The feedback given allows students to be aware of ongoing information about the body, which helps a student learn how to regulate some of the internal tension they might be experiencing. Meeting with a professional and receiving expert feedback can help you be of sound mind and answer questions you may have.

Another group of trained faculty and staff at SUU is the Care and Support Team (CAST). This group is committed to creating an environment that supports students who may be struggling with emotional distress and mental health issues. Though this group is not comprised of professional counselors, they can be a first line of help before CAPS if you are waiting for an appointment.

Tip #3: Get plenty of rest
Sleep is crucial for success; not only in college, but life in general. It is more difficult to take in new information following a night of inadequate or disturbed sleep, and according to the Harvard Medical School, it is just as important to get a good night’s sleep after learning something new in order to process and retain the information. Sleep is crucial in having energy throughout the day, a focused mind when in class, and a better outlook on life.

Tip #4: Eat healthy
There are several ways to eat healthy, affordable foods. Most college students think they have to sacrifice nutrition for budget, or vice versa. SUU professor of nutrition, Celesta Lyman MS, RDN, and Certified Dietician, says that idea is a myth. “Often students will run to fast food and spend $10, when they could have spent that money on a week’s worth of fruits and veggies.” Look for fruits and vegetables that are in season, they tend to be less expensive and more accessible.

Students can also utilize the SUU Dining Services’ meal plans which are designed to eliminate stress over cooking and to ensure students eating a good meal every single day.

There is no single guide to being a college student and living a healthy life. However, if you make positive adjustments here and there, you will soon find yourself living a healthier and happier life.

For more information on the SUU Health and Wellness Program, including different services they offer, check out their website.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

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