Six Iconic Spots to Take Graduation Photos at SUU

Posted: April 24, 2018 | Author: Southern Utah University | Read Time: 2 minutes

Among the many reasons to get professional photos taken of yourself, graduating from one of the best universities in the world is a pretty good one. It's a nice way to commemorate your time at a place that changed your life. Plus, a nice professional headshot might come in handy when you're looking for a job.

With a little help from Thor, we've found the best places to take your senior photos at Southern Utah University.

The Carter Carillon Bell Tower

Carter Carillon Bell Tower

Did you really graduate from SUU if you don't have a photo of you in front of the bell tower? Probably the most iconic place on campus, every graduate needs this photo to share with their future children and grandchildren. Take photos from any side: the bell tower is photogenic from all directions. To the east of the tower is a beautiful garden bed of yellow tulips that are sure to brighten your photos.

Old Main

Old Main

Old Main has been around as long as SUU has been a school. As such a historical entity on campus, you'll need a photo in front of this building for your archives. You can take something up close with the archway doors or further out with Old Main and the Braithwaite Liberal Arts Center in the background.

SUU Sign on 300 West & Center Street

SUU Sign on 300 West and Center Street

Across the street from the Southern Utah Museum of Art (SUMA), this SUU sign has the added bonus of featuring the academic seal. Graduation is the culmination of years of rigorous academic work on your part, so this sign is very fitting for your big day. You can sit to either side of the sign or even try a jumping shot out in front.

The Gerald R. Sherratt Library

Gerald R Sherratt Library

The place where the magic happened. It's no question that the library played a huge role in your academic studies and student life, especially when Finals Week rolled around each semester. Plus, the giant circular window is a uniquely beautiful feature to add to your photos. Try standing down the sidewalk between the business building and the library for a unique wide-angle.

The Eccles Coliseum

Eccles Coliseum

For most of our student athletes, the Eccles Coliseum is the place where hours of training took place. Even if you weren't a football player, there have been historic memories made in this stadium. Standing up top by the Utah Summer Games torch allows for the entire stadium to be seen behind you. If you go down to the field, place the south end to your back for epic shots with the 'Southern Utah Thunderbirds' banner behind you.

SUU Sign on 800 West & University Blvd

SUU Sign on 800 W and University Boulevard

This sign is surrounded by beautiful campus trees, connecting your photo to both SUU and nature. Students often lean to the side of the sign or even sit on top of it!

No matter where you take your photos, be sure you share them using #SUUGrad! You can find the Commencement Schedule at the SUU Graduation website.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Graduation

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