5 Things to Prepare for High School Graduation

Posted: May 10, 2018 | Author: Southern Utah University | Read Time: 2 minutes

up close shot of 2018 tassel on graduation capAs you prepare to graduate from high school and take the next few large steps toward your future, it can be hard to figure out or decide what to do with the time you have left. From big ceremonies or banquets to your final moments as a high schooler, you will want to be there for it all.

Here are a few things to do before graduating high school:

  1. Take pictures: There is a lot going on at this time of your life, and you will want to capture as much of it as you can. Take photos of any last adventures with friends, family get-togethers to celebrate graduation, and take as many pictures as possible at graduation. These photos will serve as a way to remind you of a milestone in your life.
  2. Live It Up: Do not spend your last weeks or days locked in your bedroom. Participate in all of the end of the year activities and make the most of your last days as a high school student. There are several end of the year banquets and activities for seniors that you will not want to miss out on. These events allow you to make the end of your high school career a great and happy one. This time of your life only comes around once and attending these various activities sets you up to have the time of your life.
  3. Graduation Outfit: Graduation is a big day and there will numerous photos taken of you. Allow yourself to go out and purchase a new outfit that you feel great in and show it off at graduation. Graduation is all about you so it is important that have attire you feel that you can strut around and feel great wearing.
  4. Thank You Cards: Your family is undoubtedly proud of for your accomplishment with graduating and you’ll most likely receive money from those who want to congratulate you. Make sure you have thank you notes ready. It also may be a nice touch to take a thank you note to some of your favorite teachers - they will love knowing how they influenced you in life and how much you appreciate them.
  5. Friends and Family: Graduation is a time where family and friends gather to celebrate. This type of gathering is a rare occasion so make the most of it by spending quality time with your family and friends. It could be a while before you see them again so share a lot of time with them. This is a very exciting time so make sure you share it with those who you love and are around you.
Cherish the moments you have before graduation. Take pictures, spend time with friends and family, and enjoy your last little bit of time in high school.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: High School Graduation

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