President Wyatt Wishes Students Good Luck on Finals

Posted: April 20, 2020 | Author: President Scott L Wyatt | Read Time: 2 minutes

Good Luck with FinalsDear Students,

Under the best of circumstances finals week is stressful. And this semester has not been the best of circumstances! You might be feeling a bit more stressed than usual. But, during difficult times, it’s always good to realize that you are not alone, even if you feel socially isolated. Every college and university student in America, and most students throughout the world, is in the exact same situation that you are in right now. From Harvard University to Salt Lake Community College, from Wuhan Polytechnic in China to Oxford University in England, students are studying alone from home, online. Think about it. Millions of students like you around the world are experiencing what you are experiencing. There is a strength that comes from knowing this; knowing that everyone is in this together.

As you move into the final days of this semester and prepare for your exams remember that you are not alone. Others are experiencing what you are experiencing; feeling exactly how you are feeling. Some of them could use your help and you could use theirs. Any goal is easier to accomplish when you have someone else’s support; make studying for finals social. And remember, no generation of students is more equipped to engage socially with each other, from a distance, than yours is right now! Find a friend, someone in your class, a person at the university, a member of your family, a partner, anyone, and set a bunch of small study goals with that person. Schedule several times every day to call each other until your finals, papers, or projects are completed. Don’t send a text or post a picture. Talk on the phone. Check in on each other. Offer encouragement. Hold each other accountable for your goals.

I promise you that the reward of finishing this semester as well as you can and then coming back for another, either this summer or next fall, will be worth it. And let me assure you—you can do it. Never give up.

I wish you the very best.


This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: President

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