Health Tips for College Roommates During COVID-19

Posted: September 22, 2020 | Author: Lyndsey Nelson | Read Time: 3 minutes

COVID-19 has changed the way the world functions. As we continue to live through the pandemic, we are being asked to change and adjust in ways we’ve never had to before, including changes to college life. As students move back to campus and into shared housing, it’s important to be aware of the special challenges that living with roommates during a pandemic can bring.

To help students adjust to living on campus, here are several health tips for roommates to stay healthy and feel safe and comfortable in the coming semester.

1. Honest and Open Communication

Because everyone is coping with COVID-19 in different ways, every student will have their own preferences and safety concerns. Be open with each other about what makes you feel safe and work to be understanding of your roommates’ concerns.

You should also be honest with your roommates about your personal health. If you have any health concerns, whether personal or with someone you know, make it a priority to let your roommates know.

If you come in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19, be sure to tell your roommates and those you have come in contact with so they know to be aware of any symptoms and are able to get tested as well.

2. Set a Cleaning Schedule

Now more than ever it is crucial to keep your shared spaces clean. A great way to maintain a clean space is to set a cleaning schedule and stick to it.

Some things to remember in setting up your cleaning schedule include:

  • Wear reusable gloves for routine cleaning
  • Clean surfaces using soap and water, and then finish cleaning with disinfectant
  • Practice routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces (handles, doorknobs, light switches, shared remotes, tables, faucets, etc.)
For tips for cleaning and disinfecting your home, as well as extra steps to take when someone is sick, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

3. Wash and Sanitize Hands Often

Be sure to wash your hands! Keeping your hands clean is one of the best ways to make sure illnesses aren’t spreading, so make sure to have soap and hand sanitizer readily available. Consider setting up a rotation to buy new soap and sanitizer to keep yourself and your friends safe.

4. Get a No-Contact Thermometer

Keeping an eye on your temperature is a great way to be aware of your health and to make sure everyone is doing well. As roommates, it’s incredibly helpful to have a no-contact thermometer to share, so consider going in together on a no-contact thermometer.

5. Limit Guests and Visitors

Though it can be difficult to restrain from inviting guests into your home, remember that everyone will be safer if you limit the amount and variety of guests in your apartment.

Let your roommates know if you will be having anyone over and be sure that they are all comfortable having a guest in the home, and avoid hosting large gatherings or parties.

Adjusting to life during a pandemic can be difficult, but if we work together and take responsibility for ourselves and each other, we can all stay safe and healthy. For more information on how SUU is responding to COVID-19, visit the Return to Campus website.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Student Life Housing

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