Exercise and Self-Care Tips for Online Students

Posted: November 04, 2020 | Author: Morgan Johnston | Read Time: 2 minutes

Self-care tips for online student successAs an online student, it can be difficult to stay on top of your social, mental, and physical health when you are not leaving your house and going to campus every day. Prioritizing self-care as an online student is one of the most important things you can do to help your college experience. When your mental and physical health are doing well, you will be able to devote more effort and focus to your schoolwork.

“Exercise and self-care skills are key to living a healthy and balanced life,” said Riley Reynolds, Southern Utah University Health and Wellness Center coordinator. “Here are some tips to motivate and maintain a healthy lifestyle especially in times of high stress.”

Make it Fun

Sometimes exercising can seem like a lot of work, but there are ways to get motivated. It might be as simple as putting on some music and having fun.

“If you are not a runner, don't feel like you have to go to the gym and run on the treadmill,” said Reynolds. “Go walking outside or in the mountains, make it a night out and go to a fitness class with your friends. Oftentimes if you find something you love to do it counts as exercise and self-care!”

Mix it Up

Trying out different activities and different ways of doing things is a good way to stay productive. Reading a book, doing yoga, face mask, writing in your journal and drinking water are great ways to self-care. You can create a list of things you like or new things you would like to try and rotate through them.

Make time

Make sure to schedule some downtime for yourself during the day. Sometimes when you're too busy and too stressed, it can be hard to accomplish things. Reynolds explains, “We often are really good at scheduling our "to-dos" and making sure those things get accomplished, so try scheduling out time for yourself! The more often you schedule time for your health the easier it might be to manage your stress in times of need. "Try to stay consistent and make taking care of your mental and physical health a priority."

Get ready for the day, even when you’re not going out. Exercise 30 minutes a day, drink water, and eat healthy. Set away time to relax without your phone. Do one of your hobbies or try something new. Doing these things can drastically change your mood and your physical health and give you the energy and motivation you need to be successful in school.

Produced by SUU Online

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This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Student Life SUU Online

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