Five Steps to Find an Internship as a College Student

Posted: January 28, 2021 | Author: Kierstin Pitcher-Holloway | Read Time: 2 minutes

how to find an internship in collegeHave you considered interning but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you think an internship sounds like a great idea, but you haven’t been able to find one that fits your needs? If this sounds familiar then these simple steps to find an internship are for you!

How to Find An Internship as a College Student

1. Reach Out

Taking the initiative to reach out to your contacts or utilize your student resources is a great way to find individual opportunities. There are so many available resources for T-Birds just waiting to be used. A few of these resources are your professors, the Career and Professional Development Center, and the Leavitt Center Internship Portal.

Only look in places where you are genuinely interested, for example if you are hoping to go into psychology it’s probably not a good idea to ask your Math 1030 professor what internships they know about.

2. Look Online

There are multiple online platforms to find an internship including Handshake, LinkedIn, Chegg Internships and Idealist. Utilizing these types of platforms can grow your network and increase the search radius to help you find the perfect internship.

3. Be Selective

When searching for an internship it is important to be selective about the kind of internship you are willing to apply for. Beware of companies that use sales positions to impersonate internships. Carefully read the position description before applying and ask follow up questions during interviews to ensure that the internship will give you the type of experience and job exposure that you are looking for.

4. Resume and Cover Letter

Writing a stellar cover letter and resume is a sure way to get ahead of the competition when it comes to internship applications. For help writing your resume students and alumni are encouraged to visit Southern Utah University’s Career Center. The Writing Center is also a great resource when it comes to creating professional resumes and cover letters.

5. Prepare for your Interview

Whether it's in person, online or over the phone, a good interview is key to securing a quality internship. Before showing up to the interview it can help to research the organization you are hoping to internship with. It helps to do a mock interview with a friend or family member who is familiar with the interview process. Being prepared to answer and ask questions will set you apart from other applicants.


Of course, these steps are easier said than done, but the reward of finding an internship that is a perfect fit is well worth the work. If the internship hunt becomes overwhelming, remember to use your resources and reach out to advisors and mentors that are here to help you succeed.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Career Center

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