How Long is Online Grad School and What to Expect From It?

Posted: August 18, 2021 | Author: Sayre Davis | Read Time: 2 minutes

How long is grad school? Online grad school is a viable option for those looking to pursue a master’s degree in an affordable and flexible way. The average length of time it takes an individual to complete their master's degree online is about two years and the cost of tuition varies from program to program but typically ranges between $3,000-$6,500 per semester. As long as you choose wisely when selecting your program and plan ahead with regards to finances, you shouldn't have any trouble completing your coursework in the desired time.

Time it Takes to Complete an Online Master’s Degree

The average length of time it takes an individual to complete their master's degree online is about two years, with the exception of a few programs that are designed specifically for professionals who have already obtained their bachelor’s degrees and are looking to advance their careers. These courses can be completed much more quickly due to how they're structured.

Overall, grad school will take between 12 to 24 months depending on the degree you choose. The shortest graduate degree programs offered at Southern Utah University can be completed in 12 months, and many of these are within the School of Business. Many of the other degrees take around 24 months but this can be shortened by taking more courses than the average credit count.

With the grad degree taking between a year and two years it can be tedious, but one of the benefits of attending SUU is many graduate degrees are offered online. This means you can pursue an education while doing many other things, like working fulltime. With this being an option it becomes much more achievable to complete your degree.

Benefits of Taking an Online Graduate Course

With the benefit of being able to handle a job as well as attend school, you might be considering earning an online master’s degree. Other benefits include skipping the commute to school and spending gas money, as well as being able to work at your own pace.

Interaction with Professors and Classmates While Doing Independent Study

Many students wonder if they will miss out on the campus experience by earning a degree online. With classes being completely online it is imperative that you are still able to communicate with fellow students and professors. At SUU, this connection is accomplished using Canvas. This service allows students to communicate openly with professors and fellow students through their messaging options. This allows students to feel that they are not alone through their education, which can be a huge help to you.


Online grad school is a viable option for those looking to pursue a master’s degree. From shorter time commitments to affordable tuition, SUU offers different options so you'll find what best suits your needs!

Produced by SUU Graduate Studies
SUU's Graduate School draws from a prestigious heritage and allows students to pursue a quality education. The master's degree programs offer students the chance to further their professional and educational careers on campus or online.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Graduate Programs

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