SUU Offers Professional Sales Program for All Majors

Posted: February 24, 2022 | Author: Dillon LeBlanc | Read Time: 3 minutes

Professional SalesDid you know that more than 50% of undergraduate students, not just business students, will spend time in sales in their professional careers? That’s exactly why the School of Business and Director of Professional Sales Kurt Wankier began the professional sales program open to all majors at Southern Utah University.

“I want it to be the place where everyone thinks of first when they’re looking to recruit salespeople,” said Wankier.

Wankier’s love for sales began at eight years old when he developed his repertoire of sales techniques by selling his lawn care services to his neighbors.

“There were only two things I cared about at eight years old, donuts and money.”

His hard work only led him further down the rabbit hole of sales with his first job at a sporting goods and motorcycle shop. There he was able to master his craft while developing proper sales techniques and eventually attend SUU to obtain his degree in finance. Wankier then went on to coach multiple medical practices and facilities in sales processes. In 2008, he started his own marketing agency and was recently approached about the possibility of returning to his alma mater as the director of professional sales.

“I wanted to give back in any way I could,” Wankier said.

Using the resources available from the Dixie L. Leavitt School of Business, the program got started straight away. Director of Entrepreneurship Tyler Stillman and Dean Mary Pearson assisted Wankier in establishing a curriculum for an associates degree and a minor in professional sales coming in the 2022-2023 academic year. Currently, the program offers one course (Advanced Selling Techniques - MKTG 4930) where students learn the critical aspects of personal selling with the art and science of managing a sales force. The professional sales program plans to offer new courses on subjects such as negotiation and sales fundamentals next academic year.

Schools outside of SUU are involved in the program as well. The University offers students at SouthWest Tech and in Iron County School District a certificate after students complete the only available course. In the upcoming school year, concurrent enrollment will be available for students at SouthWest Tech and at high schools in Iron County. This opportunity will grant students a pathway to a minor and even an associate degree in professional sales.

While this is a brand new program, Wankier is ready to make the most of this opportunity by helping students and potential employers easily find what they are looking for.

“In the coming years, I want SUU to be sought out as the number one school in the country for placing highly capable high performing professional salespeople. I want the students to come out of this program being the most competitive and highest starting wage they can get in the industry,” Wankier declared.

Exciting things are happening at SUU and we can’t wait to see the success that this program will yield.

The skills taught in the new professional sales program will not only help the development of your professional career but will also instill confidence in your communication and leadership development. The School of Business and Kurt Wankier invite all students to sign up for any part of the program in order to enhance the professional futures of SUU’s student body.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Student Professional Sales School of Business