Anxiety - Mental Health Clinical Resources

The Mindful Way Through Anxiety Exercises - Mindfulness Exercises to aid with anxiety. 

Depression & Anxiety Recovery Program - Cedar Family Solutions is offering a Free Online 8 Week course on Depression & Anxiety. This is a great course for those struggling with depression and anxiety and their loved ones. 
This course is educational in nature and is not designed to be therapeutic. It is not a substitute for physicians, professional counselors or mental health providers. 
This 8-week online course presents the material written and compiled by Dr Nedley, a leading physician in mental health treatment and research.
The course will run January 28th-March 18th on each Thursday evening from 6:30-8:30 pm on Zoom. - Social Anxiety Disorder-Learn about what social anxiety is and tips on how to handle it.

Living with High Functioning Anxiety-TedTalk by Jordan Raskopoulos on living with high functioning anxiety and how she deals with it.

Anxiety Release App- An EMDR based app to help overcome anxiety.

5 Tools to Cope With Anxiety When Therapy Isn't an Option


Brain Storm:Grounding Exercises