K-12 Programs Welcome
Dear In-Service K-12 Administrator and Teacher,
Welcome to SUU’s K-12 Programs! We’re so excited you’ve chosen SUU for either your general professional development, endorsement or Alternate Pathway to Educator Licensure (APPEL) needs!
My name’s Cynthia Kimball Davis. I’ve been with SUU since 2015 and in the following roles: Nevada Graduate Program Director, Chair of the Integrative & Engaged Studies Department, Director of the Master’s of Interdisciplinary Studies degree, and now Director of K-12 Programs in the College of Education and Human Development. My Ph.D. and M.Ed. are in education and most specifically, curriculum & instruction. So, creating professional development is not only a passion, but in my wheelhouse. One of my favorite things is connecting a learner or educational partner to their educational needs to accomplish goals.
We’re also extremely fortunate to have Shelbie Jones-Alm on our team as Coordinator of K-12 Programs. Prior to Shelbie’s graduation, and subsequent hiring as the full-time Coordinator, she worked as an SUU’s K-12 Programs student worker for two years. Shelbie has a passion for teaching and the teachers who make it all happen. She loves the work K-12 Programs does, and loves working with all of the amazing learners we serve.
Feel free to contact me (435.879.1301 or cynthiakimballdavis@suu.edu ) or Shelbie (435.865.8081 or shelbiejones@suu.edu ) to discuss your professional development needs and or to answer any questions you may have. We’re happy to help you in any way we can.
In the meantime, thanks, best regards & keep doing great things!