Where Do T-Birds Fly After Graduation?

With more than 60,000 graduates, SUU alumni are everywhere in the world making a difference through their careers and service to their communities. Enjoy this glimpse of a few alumni, among thousands, who represent our alma mater so well.

Mathew Rowley (’17)

MATHEW ROWLEY (’17) | SUU to Registered Nurse

Brit ('97) and Kasie ('97) Barker

BRIT ('97) AND KASIE ('97) BARKER | SUU to Educator and Senior Vice President

Alexa Smith (’24)

ALEXA SMITH (’24) | SUU to Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

Alan Payne (’17)

ALAN PAYNE (’17) | SUU to Senior Graphic Designer

Jeff Skaggs ('81)

JEFF SKAGGS ('81) | SUU to Athletic Director

Cassie LaGrone (’21)

CASSIE LAGRONE (’21) | SUU to Occupational Therapist

Cami Carlson (’01)

CAMI CARLSON (’01) | SUU to Educator and Author

Rex Burton (’77)

REX BURTON (’77) | SUU to Elementary School Educator

Betsy Jefferis (’04)

BETSY JEFFERIS (’04) | SUU to Litigation Attorney

Allie McArthur (’16)

ALLIE MCARTHUR (’16) | SUU to SkyWest Airlines

Jeff Richards (’95 and ’22)

JEFF RICHARDS (’95 AND ’22) | SUU to Gymnastics Coach

Ryan Sullivan ('04)

RYAN SULLIVAN ('04) | SUU to County Clerk-Auditor

Sami Wilson (’23)

SAMI WILSON (’23) | SUU to Graphic Designer

Elijah Day (’21)

ELIJAH DAY (’21) | SUU to COO of Stampede

Glen Anderson (’08)

GLEN ANDERSON (’08) | SUU to Youth Wildlife Experiences Founder

Chris Mayse (’97)

CHRIS MAYSE (’97) | SUU to Freelance Theatre

Faelynn Kartchner ('18)

FAELYNN KARTCHNER ('18) | SUU to Registered Nurse

Lisa Jensen

LISA JENSEN | SUU to Non-Profit Program Manager

Rich Wilson (’15)

RICH WILSON (’15) | SUU to Company Founder and Filmmaker

Amanda Ott ('22)

AMANDA OTT ('22) | SUU to Goldman Sachs

Ashley Parker-Wardle ('21)

ASHLEY PARKER-WARDLE ('21) | SUU to Senior Audit Associate

Gail Harris (’74 and ’98)

GAIL HARRIS (’74 AND ’98) | SUU to Educator

Elijah Graves (’19)

ELIJAH GRAVES (’19) | SUU to School Educator

Holly Tebbs Wilkinson (’97 and ’98)

HOLLY TEBBS WILKINSON (’97 AND ’98) | SUU to Springville City Accountant

Johnathan West (’03)

JOHNATHAN WEST (’03) | SUU to Insurance Agency CEO

Kevin Green (`21)

KEVIN GREEN (`21) | SUU to Travel Advisor

Phil Van Treuren (’01)

PHIL VAN TREUREN (’01) | SUU to Entrepreneur

Walt Petersen ('90)


Reza Razavi

REZA RAZAVI | SUU to Real Estate Entrepreneur

Melinda Whitaker (’71)

MELINDA WHITAKER (’71) | SUU to Educator

Mike Flavin (’98)

MIKE FLAVIN (’98) | SUU to Sales Executive

Angela Wilmot ('04 and '10)

ANGELA WILMOT ('04 AND '10) | SUU to Red Hills Middle School

Saki Kawakita Scheller (’08)

SAKI KAWAKITA SCHELLER (’08) | SUU to The Washington Ballet

Rafe Brown (’90)

RAFE BROWN (’90) | SUU to CFO of Mimecast Ltd.

Madison Day (’15)

MADISON DAY (’15) | SUU to Dentist

Danielle Manis (’08)

DANIELLE MANIS (’08) | SUU to Credentialing Specialist

Maureen Verhaeren (’95)

MAUREEN VERHAEREN (’95) | SUU to IT Director

Kaden Waters (’07)

KADEN WATERS (’07) | SUU to Finance Advisor

Kirsten Beitler (’00)

KIRSTEN BEITLER (’00) | SUU to Illustrator

Garrett Snow (’03)

GARRETT SNOW (’03) | SUU to Navy JAG

Kirsten Whatcott Reynolds ('91)


Jennifer Bevan ('98)

JENNIFER BEVAN ('98) | SUU to Mental Health Counselor

Yahosh Bonner (’15)

YAHOSH BONNER (’15) | SUU to Multi-Threat Contributor

Faye Bordbar (’08 , ’16)

FAYE BORDBAR (’08 , ’16) | SUU to Graphic Design Professor

Mike L’Etoile (’99)


KayLynne Matheson (’85)

KAYLYNNE MATHESON (’85) | SUU to Global Educator

Stonnie Pollock (’97)

STONNIE POLLOCK (’97) | SUU to Exploration Manager

Jennifer Hansen (’09)

JENNIFER HANSEN (’09) | SUU to Olympic Camera

Kim Thomas Riddle (’99)

KIM THOMAS RIDDLE (’99) | SUU to Utah Highway Patrol

Nathan Ott (’07)

NATHAN OTT (’07) | SUU to Olympic Coach

Jessie McFall (’13)

JESSIE MCFALL (’13) | SUU to Ancestry Manager

Thomas Ybarra (’15)

THOMAS YBARRA (’15) | SUU to Family Law Attorney

Todd Pearson (‘79)

TODD PEARSON (‘79) | SUU to Published Author

Taya Cox (’19)

TAYA COX (’19) | SUU to Recreation Coordinator Assistant

Michael Kartchner (’05)

MICHAEL KARTCHNER (’05) | SUU to Facilities Guru

Socorro Herrera (’09)


Lacie Jonas (’15)

LACIE JONAS (’15) | SUU to Nutrition Specialist and Blackhawk Helicopter Pilot

Christa Jensen Green (’06)

CHRISTA JENSEN GREEN (’06) | SUU to Art Teacher and Outdoor Enthusiast

Malina Oberg (’10)

MALINA OBERG (’10) | SUU to Math Teacher

Pfawnn Eskee (’13)

PFAWNN ESKEE (’13) | SUU to Social Worker

Vic Browder (’97)

VIC BROWDER (’97) | SUU to Film and Television Actor

Oscar Fakahua (’95)

OSCAR FAKAHUA (’95) | SUU to Motivational Speaker

Nadine Hancey (’98)

NADINE HANCEY (’98) | SUU to Elementary School Principal

Scott Seegmiller (’77)


Clint Painter (’94)

CLINT PAINTER (’94) | SUU to Accountant and County Commissioner

Michaela Chernoch McAllister (’14)

MICHAELA CHERNOCH MCALLISTER (’14) | SUU to Hollywood Stunt Performer

Cory Wegener (’19)

CORY WEGENER (’19) | SUU to Aviation Pilot

Tasha Williams (’05)

TASHA WILLIAMS (’05) | SUU to Juvenile Court Judge

Zachary Guthrie (’15 and ’17)

ZACHARY GUTHRIE (’15 AND ’17) | SUU to Network Administrator

Crystal Martinez (’18)

CRYSTAL MARTINEZ (’18) | SUU to Program Manager

Daniel Maldonado (’17)

DANIEL MALDONADO (’17) | SUU to Graduate Student

Quetta Carpenter ('96)

QUETTA CARPENTER ('96) | SUU to Head of Acting at UT Austin

Jordan Blanchard ('14)

JORDAN BLANCHARD ('14) | SUU to Athletic Director and App Co-Founder

Martene Barker ('02)

MARTENE BARKER ('02) | SUU to Pharmacist

Robbie Hendricks ('10)

ROBBIE HENDRICKS ('10) | SUU to Managing Partner

Miranda Barnard ('01)

MIRANDA BARNARD ('01) | SUU to Marketing VP

Richelle Thompson Pridmore ('01)

RICHELLE THOMPSON PRIDMORE ('01) | SUU to Episcopal Priest

Rachel Cannon (’13/’17)

RACHEL CANNON (’13/’17) | SUU to Alternative Education Leader

MaQuade Chesley ('04)

MAQUADE CHESLEY ('04) | SUU to Police Chief

Lucia Olivera ('03)

LUCIA OLIVERA ('03) | SUU to Highway Administrator

Daniel Rex (’88)

DANIEL REX (’88) | SUU to CEO of Toastmasters International

Andrew Hyatt (’98)

ANDREW HYATT (’98) | SUU to Missouri Air Surgeon

Denise Padilla ('01)

DENISE PADILLA ('01) | SUU to College Program Supervisor

Chloe Howe (’18)

CHLOE HOWE (’18) | SUU to Morning News Producer

John Sudbury (’73)

JOHN SUDBURY (’73) | SUU to Accountant, Coach, and Jazz Fan

Dannielle Larkin ('16)

DANNIELLE LARKIN ('16) | SUU to Community Leader

Travis Adair (’09)

TRAVIS ADAIR (’09) | SUU to Attorney

Toni Torres-McGehee (’98)

TONI TORRES-MCGEHEE (’98) | SUU to Athletic Educator and Administrator

Trevor Lilley (’19)

TREVOR LILLEY (’19) | SUU to Goldman Sachs

Richard Barton ('93/'96)

RICHARD BARTON ('93/'96) | SUU to High School Athletic Director

Doris Ann Faucheux ('17)


Ashlee Humphries ('19)

ASHLEE HUMPHRIES ('19) | SUU to ACC Athletic Training Graduate Assistant

Mitch Grimshaw ('09 / '13)

MITCH GRIMSHAW ('09 / '13) | SUU to Corporate Web Designer

Chadwick Taylor ('05)

CHADWICK TAYLOR ('05) | SUU to Drama Teacher and Freelance Director

Phil Bateman ('91)


Jill Shore (’90)

JILL SHORE (’90) | SUU to Elementary Educator

Grace Schulz ('18)


Sean Natoli ('12)

SEAN NATOLI ('12) | SUU to Postdoctoral Fellow

Liz Ronnow Wallis ('08 / '18)

LIZ RONNOW WALLIS ('08 / '18) | SUU to American Airlines

Mary Lucero ('16)

MARY LUCERO ('16) | SUU to Nonprofit Leader

Melanie Nelson ('98)

MELANIE NELSON ('98) | SUU to the Big Screen

Celeste Maloy ('03)

CELESTE MALOY ('03) | SUU to D.C. Legal Counsel

Daniel Gowon ('88)

DANIEL GOWON ('88) | SUU to Instructional Design

Melinda Pfundstein ('00 / '15)

MELINDA PFUNDSTEIN ('00 / '15) | SUU to International Nonprofit Leader

Ryan Griffith ('10)

RYAN GRIFFITH ('10) | SUU to Quicken Loans VP

Talayna Fortunato ('03)

TALAYNA FORTUNATO ('03) | SUU to Sports Illustrated

Dr. Matthew Torres ('10)

DR. MATTHEW TORRES ('10) | SUU to Dentistry

Jarom Hlebasko ('07)

JAROM HLEBASKO ('07) | SUU to GIS Professional

William Taylor

WILLIAM TAYLOR | SUU to Crossfit Owner

Samantha Ryals ('17)

SAMANTHA RYALS ('17) | SUU to US Senate

Landon Haslem ('14)

LANDON HASLEM ('14) | SUU to American Heart Association

Erika Seirup ('16)

ERIKA SEIRUP ('16) | SUU to Wildlife Rehabilitation

Derrik Marshall

DERRIK MARSHALL | SUU to US District Court of Utah

Kierra Dotson ('13)


Helena Looser ('18)

HELENA LOOSER ('18) | SUU to Pinterest

Vince Rosdahl ('98)

VINCE ROSDAHL ('98) | SUU to Accounting Firm Partner

Braden Bybee ('18)

BRADEN BYBEE ('18) | SUU to Future Dentist

Antwan Marshal ('16)

ANTWAN MARSHAL ('16) | SUU to Rap Artist

Jeffrey Goulding ('09)

JEFFREY GOULDING ('09) | SUU to Post-Doctoral Fellow

Lee Wiley ('08)

LEE WILEY ('08) | SUU to Comic Illustrator

Andrew Barnett ('11)

ANDREW BARNETT ('11) | SUU to Florist

Zane Hunzeker ('13)

ZANE HUNZEKER ('13) | SUU to Construction Technology

Blake Clark ('18)

BLAKE CLARK ('18) | SUU to School Administrator

Taylor Adair ('14)

TAYLOR ADAIR ('14) | SUU to Military Aviator

Andy Linn ('12)

ANDY LINN ('12) | SUU to Social Security Administration

Tim Beery ('18)

TIM BEERY ('18) | SUU to Communication Manager

Scott Bennett ('99)

SCOTT BENNETT ('99) | SUU to Chief Deputy Prosecutor

Gwen Knight ('16)

GWEN KNIGHT ('16) | SUU to Nonprofit Administrator

Abigail Diepeveen ('17)

ABIGAIL DIEPEVEEN ('17) | SUU to Marketing Strategist

Tim Gainey ('05)

TIM GAINEY ('05) | SUU to Professional Basketball

Kaitlin Sorensen ('15)

KAITLIN SORENSEN ('15) | SUU to Victim Services Director

Sherri Riggs ('14)

SHERRI RIGGS ('14) | SUU to Broadcast Journalism

Grant Adams ('10)

GRANT ADAMS ('10) | SUU to Arts Administrator

Andie Szekely ('16)

ANDIE SZEKELY ('16) | SUU to Lighting Technician

Brian Sperry ('14)

BRIAN SPERRY ('14) | SUU to Leadership Educator

Matt Wilde ('17)

MATT WILDE ('17) | SUU to Amazon

Tayson Whittaker ('14)

TAYSON WHITTAKER ('14) | SUU to Outdoor Entrepreneur

Diantha Leavitt ('17)

DIANTHA LEAVITT ('17) | SUU to Online Content Manager

Whitney Mulaj ('08)

WHITNEY MULAJ ('08) | SUU to Five-Star Resort

Elyse Beard ('10)

ELYSE BEARD ('10) | SUU to Editor-in-Chief

Tamara Melton ('08)

TAMARA MELTON ('08) | SUU to Secondary Education

Rose Jacklin

ROSE JACKLIN | SUU to Inspiring Educator

Tyly Bozzuto ('17)

TYLY BOZZUTO ('17) | SUU to Life Skills Coordinator

Cory Reese ('98)

CORY REESE ('98) | SUU to Social Worker

Sundee Davis ('08)


Jesse VanDenKooy


Dr. Lee Pace ('00)

DR. LEE PACE ('00) | SUU to Orthopedic Surgeon

Stephanie deGraffenried ('12)


Payden Adams

PAYDEN ADAMS | SUU to Walt Disney Company

Grayson Moulton ('14)

GRAYSON MOULTON ('14) | SUU to Lawyer

Brock Hendricks


Mary Way ('13)

MARY WAY ('13) | SUU to Shakespeare’s England

Rhett Guter ('10)

RHETT GUTER ('10) | SUU to New York Actor

Claire Cleveland ('15)

CLAIRE CLEVELAND ('15) | SUU to Paleoecologist

Taylor Shepherd ('16)

TAYLOR SHEPHERD ('16) | SUU to International Ambassador

Miranda Jones ('16)

MIRANDA JONES ('16) | SUU to Utah’s Capitol

Porter Sproul ('16)

PORTER SPROUL ('16) | SUU to Huntsman Cancer Foundation

Hayden Hawks ('16)

HAYDEN HAWKS ('16) | SUU to Professional Ultra Runner

Roxanne Bennett ('93)

ROXANNE BENNETT ('93) | SUU to Entrepreneur

Caitlin Jones ('14)

CAITLIN JONES ('14) | SUU to Elementary Education

Janese Pentico ('15)

JANESE PENTICO ('15) | SUU to Vocal Performer

Aferdit Sadrija ('16)

AFERDIT SADRIJA ('16) | SUU to Leading Cancer Research

Dr. Megan Freestone-Bernd ('03)

DR. MEGAN FREESTONE-BERND ('03) | SUU to Pediatric Anesthesiology

James Cowser ('17)

JAMES COWSER ('17) | SUU to Oakland Raider

Justin Harding ('00)

JUSTIN HARDING ('00) | SUU to Capitol Hill

Sarah Alamshaw ('13)

SARAH ALAMSHAW ('13) | SUU TO WE Communications

Josh Smith ('09)

JOSH SMITH ('09) | SUU to Military Journalism

David Tyler ('14)

DAVID TYLER ('14) | SUU to NYC Advertising

Matt Hamlin ('03)


Cameron Levins ('12)

CAMERON LEVINS ('12) | SUU to Olympics

Jason Blackham ('99)

JASON BLACKHAM ('99) | SUU to Olympic Doctoring

Ashlee Winterrose ('07)

ASHLEE WINTERROSE ('07) | SUU to Imagining Business

David Nelson ('85)

DAVID NELSON ('85) | SUU to Unlimited Potential

Tyler Condie

TYLER CONDIE | SUU to Business Owner

Daniel Gill ('10)

DANIEL GILL ('10) | SUU to Visual Arts

Stacie Webster ('02)

STACIE WEBSTER ('02) | SUU to Broadway

Brooke Ulrich ('07)

BROOKE ULRICH ('07) | SUU to Blogging Prestige

Jeremy Bradshaw

JEREMY BRADSHAW | SUU to Medical Leadership

Kyle Turner ('98)

KYLE TURNER ('98) | SUU to World Series

Jay Kansagra ('13)

JAY KANSAGRA ('13) | SUU to Data Engineer

Crystal Sekaquaptewa ('10)

CRYSTAL SEKAQUAPTEWA ('10) | SUU to Monumental Dentistry

Leeon Jeffs ('03)

LEEON JEFFS ('03) | SUU to Laserlike Business

Lee Esplin ('94)

LEE ESPLIN ('94) | SUU to Elementary Stewardship

Cody Moat ('04)

CODY MOAT ('04) | SUU to Spartan Racing

Dan Hermansen ('12)

DAN HERMANSEN ('12) | SUU to Medical Illustration

David Staheli

DAVID STAHELI | SUU to Farming Fame

Julie Hammari ('09)

JULIE HAMMARI ('09) | SUU to Teaching Stardom

Micah Keith ('06)

MICAH KEITH ('06) | SUU to Nestlé

Nicole Thomas ('92)

NICOLE THOMAS ('92) | SUU to Yahoo in London

Thomas Burr ('02)

THOMAS BURR ('02) | SUU to the White House

Parker Walbeck


Shannon Schaerer ('08)

SHANNON SCHAERER ('08) | SUU to Swiss Web Design

Brooke Cersosimo ('12)

BROOKE CERSOSIMO ('12) | SUU to NFL Journalism

Megan Taylor ('12)

MEGAN TAYLOR ('12) | SUU to Mountain Peaks