External Access to SUU Spaces and Records
Facility Access
Generally, any person is authorized to enter areas that are open to the public.
If someone requests entry to a non-public or “restricted” area (see FAQ below), please follow your department’s existing protocols. You may ask the person for their information and what authorization they have to enter the space.
- If they provide a warrant or subpoena (see FAQ below), inform them that you are not the person authorized to provide entry based on such documents.
- Do not attempt to interpret or verify the warrant or subpoena yourself.
- Politely tell them to wait while you contact the Office of Legal Affairs (435-586-7738) and SUU Police Department (435-586-7793) to determine the validity of the document(s) and the appropriate course of action.
- Do not attempt to physically obstruct the person if they insist on immediate entry. Contact SUU PD.
Record Access
If someone requests access to records that contain personally identifiable information (PII), please follow your department’s existing protocols. You may ask the person for their information and what authorization they have to access the requested records.
- If they provide a warrant or subpoena, inform them that you are not the person authorized to grant access based on such documents.
- Do not attempt to interpret or verify the warrant or subpoena yourself.
- Politely tell them to wait while you contact the Office of Legal Affairs (435-586-7738) to determine the validity of the document(s) and the appropriate course of action.
SUU External Access FAQ
Public areas on campus are spaces open to students, faculty, staff, visitors, and the general public. Examples include hallways, lobbies, sidewalks, courtyards, and other shared gathering spaces that enjoy the strongest First Amendment protections.
A warrant is not required for law enforcement to enter these areas. The University retains the right to remove unauthorized individuals from these areas if their conduct violates reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions; or otherwise threatens physical safety, involves violence, or substantially disrupts University operations. See SUU Policies #5.0 and #5.1.
Non-public or “restricted” areas on campus are spaces requiring authorization for entry. Examples include residential dormitories, offices, classrooms, labs, and other spaces where access is limited, restricted, or where a reasonable expectation of privacy exists.
A warrant is generally required for law enforcement to enter these areas. The University retains the right to remove unauthorized persons from these areas if their conduct violates reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions; or otherwise threatens physical safety, involves violence, or substantially disrupts University operations. See SUU Policies #5.0 and #5.1.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records, which comprise those records, files, documents, and other materials which are directly related to a Student, and are maintained by the University or by a party acting for the University. These records include but are not limited to grades, transcripts, class lists, student course schedules, student financial information, and student discipline files.
With some exceptions, the University may not release a student’s personally identifiable information to any individual, agency, or organization without the student’s written consent or valid court orders.
See SUU Policy #11.3 and the Registrar’s Office’s web page on FERPA for more information.
A warrant is an official document issued by a legal authority, such as a judge, authorizing law enforcement to take a specific action, like making an arrest (arrest warrant) or conducting a search (search warrant).
A warrant is generally required for law enforcement to enter non-public or “restricted areas” to conduct a search or make an arrest. The key difference between a judicial warrant and an administrative warrant lies in who issues them and their legal authority. If you are presented with any warrant, contact the Office of Legal Affairs, (435) 586-7738, for guidance.
A subpoena is an official document issued by a legal authority, ordering an individual to take a specific action, like producing documents.
The key difference between a judicial subpoena and an administrative subpoena lies in who issues them and their legal authority. If you are presented with any subpoena, contact the Office of Legal Affairs, (435) 586-7738, for guidance.
- All legal questions or concerns: SUU Office of Legal Affairs
- Employee Information: Human Resources
- Student Information: Registrar’s Office
- International Student Information: International Student & Scholar Services
- University law enforcement: SUU Police