Governor's Honors Academy

 GHA runs June 19th-27th, 2025

Governor's Honor Society members

The Governor's Honors Academy was founded in 1988 through a vision of Utah corporate and political leaders. The Academy is organized to provide Utah high school students with an opportunity to learn, lead and interact with some of the foremost leaders in business, technology, humanities, science, education, communication and social science. Through interaction with leaders and mentors, students enhance their desire to learn and strive for excellence.

The Academy incorporates an intense learning experience that takes place in the classroom and in Southern Utah's beautiful landscapes. These learning experiences work hand-in-hand with exciting activities that help participants create lasting friendships and a love of learning. Students are given leadership and teamwork opportunities during the Academy, preparing them to provide leadership in their schools and communities.

Over the past several years, students have experienced the accelerated vision of the Governor's Honors Academy. Each one has learned to propel themselves into a world of changing priorities, technology, economics and politics. The goal of the Academy is, "to nurture the life of the mind," through further exploration and a greater commitment to personal and professional excellence.

Those that are current high school juniors are welcome to apply. The cost of the Academy is $1300 for all expenses of the 9 day Academy. Selected participants will receive a sponsorship packet, detailing how to raise money towards their $1300 fee (monthly payments may also be arranged). Those participants who attend the entire Academy will receive 6 college credits and a 4-year scholarship to Southern Utah University.