SUU Legislative Updates

Since the end of the 2024 Utah General Legislative Session, SUU has been carefully reviewing House Bills 261, 438, and 257 and working closely with the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) to understand the requirements of the new legislation, which become law on July 1, 2024.

In March, SUU established a Legislative Task Force which includes faculty, staff, and student stakeholders. The Legislative Task Force was charged with reviewing and assessing the requirements of the new legislation in relation to current campus practices, guidance received from the USHE Commissioner of Higher Education, the Resolution on Freedom of Expression, and the Resolution Establishing Expectations for Implementing Principles of Free Expression on Campus.

Through a shared governance approach, the Legislative Task Force recommended new plans and procedures for compliance with legislation. In all these updates, our highest priority is the well-being and success of our students and employees, and we are confident that a supportive, healthy campus environment will remain the hallmark of SUU.

Future information and updates will be shared on this website.

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Latest Update - 06/21/2024

Dear SUU Community,

During the General Legislative Session this spring, the Utah Legislature passed several bills that impact all public universities in the state. Beginning in March, SUU’s Legislative Task Force, with guidance from the Utah System of Higher Education, has been carefully reviewing House Bills 261, 257, and 438 to determine how these laws will affect SUU. Information and a list of questions and responses can be found on SUU’s Legislative Updates FAQ page. We invite you to visit the website for more information. This list will continue to evolve as we anticipate additional questions and/or adjustments.  

We understand that many of our faculty members and students are off campus over the summer, but it is important to understand that legislative timelines don’t always align with academic calendars. In order to be compliant, SUU must implement changes by July 1, 2024.

In all these updates, our highest priority is the well-being and success of our students and employees, and we are confident that a supportive, healthy campus environment will remain the hallmark of SUU.

If you have additional questions, please fill out the online form. Future information will be included with other campus updates or posted on SUU’s Legislative Updates page.

Thank you for your help as we navigate these changes.
Legislative Task Force