Interlibrary Loan

Need a book or article that the Sherratt Library doesn't own? We can borrow it from another library for you!

SUU students, faculty, and staff

SUU ILLiad Sign In

Login with your SUU username and password.

Step-by-step guide

Community patrons

Sign in to ILLiad

If you're a community patron who's new to using Interlibrary Loan,  register to borrow via ILL.

Step-by-step guide

What is Interlibrary Loan?

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a library service offered by the Sherratt Library that locates and obtains research materials that are not available at our library and may be requested to be loaned from other libraries. Current SUU students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to use this free service.

Friends of the Library (at the Patron level or higher) and community patrons (who purchase an annual library card) may also use the service.


Interlibrary Loan

 Our hours are 8am - 5pm Monday through Friday (check library hours for any exceptions!)

  Ask to see an ILL staff member at the Check Out desk on the first floor of the Sherratt Library.