SUU Grounds Crew Plant Trees on Campus With Grant Funds

Published: July 29, 2003 | Author: Chris Gale | Read Time: 1 minutes

The State, specifically the Department of Natural Resources/Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands, has awarded Southern Utah University a Tree Planting Grant.

“It’s a constant philosophy of ours to plant new trees each year,” Chris Gale, SUU’s Grounds Manager, explains, “but with the budget where it’s been, we couldn’t do it to the level we usually do without applying for this grant.”

With the help of the grant money awarded--$1,000--the landscaping crew of the Cedar City campus planted 42 Gambel Oaks, Norway Maples, Bradford Pears and some pines all around campus. Two major spots that have new trees are at the new corner on 200S 300W, and at the stadium behind the scoreboard.

“We also planted a few trees that are not necessarily native to this area. We like to experiment and try new things, too,” Chris says.

Kelly Roberts wrote the grant application and Paul Snyder wrote the end-of-project report. Both landscaping specialists were involved in the planning of where the trees would be planted.

“Tree planting is one of my highest priorities,” Paul states. “They are an integral part of any landscaping project. They are very important to me and the campus.”

“I’ve been here 20 years and have enjoyed watching the many trees I’ve planted mature and contribute to the aesthetics of this campus,” Chris says. “I hope to be here in 20 more years so I can see these trees grow, too.”

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