Chamber's Career Fair Growth is Strong

Published: October 16, 2003 | Author: Renee Ballenger | Read Time: 2 minutes

The Cedar City Chamber of Commerce’s annual career fair is making some major changes this year and the biggest change is dealing with how big it is getting.

There are nearly 1,500 students signed up to attend this year’s event to be held on Wednesday, November 5th on the campus of Southern Utah University. This will include upper classmen from 10 high schools in southern Utah, compared to two participating schools for last year’s fair.

Terry Keyes, director of the Small Business Development Center at SUU’s School of Business, is spearheading the operation for the Chamber of Commerce. He is excited about the changes and what it will do for the region’s young people.

“We are going to provide them with dozens of short seminars on what it takes to become involved in various professions and how to prepare for them,” says Keyes. “Students will find out what particular professions require in the way of training and education, what a salary scale might be, how a daily routine at work might go and how the demand for employees is moving.”

Keyes also asks for additional support from the community. “We have a solid base of about 50 businesses or professions represented right now, but we would really like to find another 25 or so who would be willing to share a couple of hours with young people on November 5th.”

Business representatives are encouraged to call Daun at the Chamber of Commerce at 586-4484 to find out how to participate in the Career Fair. They may also contact Terry Keyes at 586-5400.

“Our ability to grow from two schools to 10 in one year is a very exciting development and made possible by the change in hosting the event at the University.” Keyes adds, “There has been great cooperation throughout campus, the community and the high school counselors and administrators. The more businesses in the community that participate the faster we can grow this Career Fair in the future.”

Participants will have a chance to enjoy a fashion show that will clearly illustrate both good and bad examples of how to dress for a job interview. They will have a chance to learn more about a number of career opportunities, from the medical field to the banking industry.

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