Friends of the Braithwaite Gallery Art Auction March 3

Published: February 27, 2004 | Author: Renee Ballenger | Read Time: 2 minutes

Artists from across the region will offer their pieces to bidders, all in turn to support the continuation of the key contribution of quality art that the Braithwaite brings to the southern Utah year-round.

“We certainly want to acknowledge both the talent and generosity of the artists who donate their work to this event,” Anne Gardner, founder of the auction and board member of the Friends of the Gallery, comments, “many of whom are SUU alumni.”

Longtime favorites of auction-goers are local artists Jimmy Jones, Kate Starling and Brad Holt, all SUU alumni and all participants again in this year’s auction exhibit. Faculty members from SUU also traditionally donate to the Friends’ annual auction. Arlene Braithwaite, associate professor of art, is the daughter-in-law of the namesake of the Fine Arts Gallery. An authority on pastels, she will be donating some of her work to the auction this year. Also, pieces by Eric Brown, SUU instructor in art, and Brian Hoover, associate professor of art and department chair will be included.

The event will take place at Rusty’s Ranch House. Rusty Aiken has hosted the auction every year of its running (12 years now) at either the Ranch House or Milt’s StageStop. The menu for the evening includes coconut shrimp or prime rib.

The rest of the agenda that Wednesday night will be a preview of the more-than-40 art entries, starting at 6 p.m., at which time auction-goers can meet the artists. A silent auction will occur, as well as a live auction, and also a raffle. Vacation and entertainment packages will be up for grabs, including a trip to see the Utah Jazz.

Tickets for the 12th Annual Friends of the Gallery Art Auction are $30 in advance and can be purchased at the Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery on the SUU campus, or by calling 435-586-5432. Tickets are also available at Castro & Company Jewelers on Main Street. At the price of $35 each, tickets will be available at the door, too.

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