10 Great Faculty and Staff Retire from SUU

Published: April 30, 2004 | Author: Renee Ballenger | Read Time: 3 minutes

Ten retiring faculty and staff members of Southern Utah University were honored Thursday at a luncheon on campus.

By request of the majority of the retirees, an intimate luncheon, as opposed to the big retirement banquets of the past, was planned for this spring afternoon, allowing them and their spouses to comfortably converse about retirement plans, memories and the future of SUU. They also received a gift of appreciation from the SUU administration.

President Bennion, along with other senior administration representatives, was on hand to reminisce and applaud the service to the Institution of these 10 fine individuals. Together, these individuals have provided 187 years of great work for SUU.

Jean Adams—began teaching Business Education classes at SUU in 1979. Her accolades are numerous, but the most recent one was her being named one of three Distinguished Educators for 2003-04.

Richard Banks—has been more-than-efficiently maintaining the facilities of SUU for the past 10 years. His resourcefulness and attention to detail have been a large part of the impressive reputation held by SUU ’s Plant Operations.

Roger Davis—served the University in the Purchasing Office and most recently in the Aquatics Center since joining SUU in 1990. His background in business, and his serious athletic hobbies, made him an asset to the entire campus.

Luck Felstead—retires as the Manager of Campus Utility Services after 33 incredible years at SUU. Luck is both an institution and living legend of SUU. He has been an important part of the team that has made SUU the beautiful, energy-efficient, and smooth-running facility that it is today.

Larry Hatch—was one of those quiet centurions at SUU for the past 16 years. He was a reliable custodian, and a fellow employee that everyone could safely count on. Not only that, his co-workers could always look forward to any dealings with Larry, as he was pleasant, capable, and professional.

Steve Heath—an expert on baseball statistics, the history of the terrain of southern Utah, and mathematics. Detail-oriented, focused, and intriguing, Steve taught and nurtured SUU students for 34 remarkable years.

Charles Metten—will have graced SUU with only six years of his talent, engaging personality, initiative, classroom instruction and inspiring sense of humor. He is loved by the campus community including his students, his faculty and staff, and the company of the Utah Shakespearean Festival. And, he is loved by the Cedar City community, too.

Ashley Paddock—has served the campus, its workers, its students and its visitors through praiseworthy caretaking of the facilities in the Plant Operations Department. After 25 years, he retires as building supervisor.

Maureen Robb—Anyone who ever bought a ticket to an event at SUU surely misses seeing Maureen’s friendly smile and experiencing her friendly, optimistic personality. In her 22 years of services to SUU and Iron County, Maureen is one person everyone looked forward to seeing when visiting the campus—and one everyone will miss.

Dorothella Smith—served the students and Institution for 28 years. She spoke softly but got the job done with determination and thoroughness. It was evident how much she cared about the mission of the University, her co-workers, and the students. Respect for her position and duties was reflected daily in the caliber of her work.

The Retirement Luncheon is just one of many Commencement-related activities typical of this time of year. Commencement is May 8! Graduation Information Headquarters is at www.suu.edu/graduation.

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