This Year's Founders' Day at SUU will be Especially Memorable

Published: March 16, 2006 | Read Time: 2 minutes

In memory and celebration of the people who gave their time, money and physical labor to establish the wonderful institution, Southern Utah University, 109 years ago, the festivities of Founders’ Day will occur this year on Saturday, March 25.

The day will be full of new legacies to build upon, food, high-quality entertainment, and recognition of three individuals particularly key to the strength and excellence of SUU. There will certainly be a few surprise announcements and presentations, and the community is invited to join the campus in this pleasurable and important day.

The events of the day begin at 3:30 with a Reception for the Grand Opening of the Michael O. Leavitt Collection in the Special Collections area of the Library at SUU. The U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, and former governor of Utah, recently announced that he would give his papers, records and memorabilia from his 30-some years of public service to his hometown and “home-college.” Come see the first phase of the Collection, enjoy a sample of Michael Leavitt’s favorite cookie, and see his biographical video presentation, during the open public reception at which the former Governor Leavitt will be present.

At 5 p.m., the annual Founders’ Day Banquet begins in the Sharwan Smith Center Ballroom. Tickets are still available; please call Colleen at 435-586-7775 by Monday, March 20. Along with a delicious full-course meal, the short program will acknowledge and induct into the SUU Hall of Honor, three individuals, who, like the founders of this great institution, have given generously of their time, passion and resources to the students and programs of SUU. Michael O. Leavitt will be honored and inducted, along with James LeVoy Sorenson and Beverley Taylor Sorenson. James, an entrepreneur in the medical equipment industry, whose inventions are implemented in hospitals across the globe, supports SUU tremendously. His most generous gift to the institution made possible the still-new and state-of-the-art physical education academic and recreational building on campus. Mrs. Sorenson, whose passion is to help at-risk elementary children succeed by being inspired by the marriage of art and education. Earlier this month, Mrs. Sorenson gave to SUU, its first-ever endowed professorial chair in Elementary Arts Education valued at $1 million.

Immediately following the Banquet will be a new and different opportunity to hear the beautiful sounds of the Orchestra at Temple Square. The Orchestra is just kicking off its first-ever solo tour and one of its first stops is the Centrum in Cedar City. Tickets are still available to this premier event at 435-586-7872. Concert-goers are invited to attend the Founders’ Day Dance at 9 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Hunter Conference Center on campus.

As part of the southern Utah community, please join in the celebration of the beginning, and the future, of this wonderful educational resource and cultural center of the region, at Founders’ Day 2006.

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