Three of SUU’s own earn Top Executive Appointments

Published: July 30, 2008 | Read Time: 2 minutes

Yesterday, President Benson proudly announced three new appointments within SUU's administrative organization.

Current University staff members Wesley Curtis, Dean O'Driscoll and Stephen Allen were all promoted to higher leadership positions, and these new titles reflect the importance University officials place on their three respective roles in fulfilling SUU’s vision for the future.

Wes Curtis will now assume the new position of SUU’s vice president for government relations and regional services. Curtis is well placed for this appointment, and as the University’s director of regional services, he has already shown a tremendous amount of commitment to the legislature and to SUU. Curtis has cultivated, as President Benson stated, "long-standing and beneficial relationships with key senators, representatives and members of the Governor's staff".

Dean O'Driscoll will assume the mantle of vice president for university relations. This, too, is an apt progression, considering O'Driscoll's eight years of service in SUU's Marketing and Public Relations office. He will oversee University-wide public relations issues and manage the image that SUU presents to the outside world.

The final appointment of associate vice president for enrollment management falls upon the shoulders of Stephen Allen. This new position has been made necessary by SUU's enrollment growth over the past few years. Such growth is evidence of Allen's success, and the success of his well-directed staff, which has used SUU's unique atmosphere and surroundings as a draw to bring more students to Cedar City. Allen's office will now receive reports from the Financial Aid office and the Registrar's office, making the organization more streamlined, and the change will hopefully be met with continued enrollment growth.

All three positions are anticipated to aid Southern Utah University in its future goals, and are going to staff members with a wealth of experience in their respective fields. Said the President, "I commend these employees for their commitment and look forward to more great effort in their new capacities". The appointments are effective August 1, 2008.

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