Optimism Theme of President’s Campus Forum

Published: December 01, 2009 | Read Time: 2 minutes

An air of optimism filled the Auditorium as President Michael Benson held his semi-annual campus forum Monday to address campus faculty and staff. Benson praised faculty and staff for their hard work and many achievements that have brought acclaim to campus. Pointing out some of the many great accomplishments that have happened on campus since they last met in late August, Benson encouraged the audience to continue their great work into the future. 

While not denying the fact that the upcoming year will bring its challenges, Benson was optimistic about the future. Stating “The one thing you can choose everyday is your attitude,” and “we have reason to be optimistic.” 

While stating that we would need to tighten our belts with some areas of the budget, SUU is in a good position. With a healthy enrollment increase from last year and an expected increase next year, Benson noted how SUU is in balance between growth and budget. SUU is not growing so fast that it can’t keep up, which is important during these economic conditions. 

With that said on enrollment, Benson also touched on the academic future of SUU and the plan to move from a focus on increasing enrollment to a focus on quality and to preserving and enhancing the SUU experience. Benson wants students to not only focus on their major, but also have a breadth of knowledge. The hope is to bring not only a depth in the major area of study, but a breadth to what students accomplish upon graduating from SUU. 

Benson also invited faculty to take advantage of his “open phone, email and door policy.” “We want to keep what we are doing transparent and the campus apprised of what is happening,” said Benson. 

Benson noted that in these tough times many great things have happened on our campus and while the future is uncertain and will have its challenges, there is no reason why great things can’t continue to happen at SUU.

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