Art and Design Faculty to Exhibit New Art Work in February

Published: February 01, 2010 | Read Time: 1 minutes

SUU's own will display their talents in the Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery this February, with an exhibit created to highlight the exciting new artwork created by members of the SUU Art and Design faculty.

The exhibition will open with a reception on Thursday, February 4, at 7 p.m., and will run through Saturday, March 13, 2010. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday, noon to 7 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public.

Ten full-time faculty and eleven adjunct faculty will exhibit work during this exhibition.

After spending time at Parowan Gap during the Fall 2009 semester, faculty members created new work inspired by the area. Other work created by faculty members will also be on display. Artwork was developed using a variety of media including painting, drawing, printmaking, ceramics, sculpture, graphic design, photography, and illustration.

One artist who will be participating in this exhibit is Jeremias Paul, Assistant Professor of Photography. Through the use of multiple photographs and the arrangement of the work, Paul hopes to create a new experience of the Parowan Gap formation for each visitor. He used a primitive lens-less camera, called a pinhole camera, to create a series of photographs. The use of this particular camera was important to the concept of the piece because the camera allows air to flow freely across the film. “The place has literally touched the film,” says Paul.

Additional information about this exhibit is available online or by calling 435-586-5432.

The Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery’s mission is to exhibit, collect and preserve historic and contemporary works of art significant to the interior American West. In addition, the Gallery hosts art exhibitions that represent the principal artistic styles and periods of world cultures.

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