International Photo Competition to Showcase T-Bird Travels

Published: July 26, 2011 | Read Time: 1 minutes

As summer nears an end and many Thunderbird students and faculty prepare for their return to Cedar City after a summer traveling or studying abroad, the Sargon Heinrich Global Engagement Center and Multicultural Center would like to issue a call for photos in a campus-wide competition.

The photo competition, slated for October during International Week, is an effort to gather high quality images of Southern Utah University students, faculty and staff in foreign settings. In addition to prizes for the top photographers, the winning submissions will also be published.

Though October seems a long way off, Coordinator of International Student Engagement Mark Taylor would like to encourage interested participants to use these last few weeks of summer — while many are still traveling — to document their international experiences in creative and engaging photos.

All photos should fit within one of three competitive categories: places, people and nature.

Winners for each category will be selected by a panel of judges, but the photos will also be open for public voting and the winner of the Popular Vote will win $100. Other prizes range from $20-$100.

Photos submitted will also be considered for publication for recruitment and study abroad material and also for the study abroad website.

In addition o showcasing a variety of exciting summer experiences, Taylor says this competition should be a great way to “provide opportunities for international students to have a voice or be represented here on campus.”

Though guidelines are still being established, some set rules are set: eligible photos must have been taken during the past year and must have been taken outside of the United States.

For additional information, contact Mark Taylor at 435-586-1946 or

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