SUU is Most Affordable of “America’s 100 Best College Buys”

Published: January 13, 2012 | Read Time: 3 minutes

Southern Utah University is excited to announce its debut as one “America’s 100 Best College Buys” in the 2011-12 national evaluation.

Conducted by the independent Institutional Research & Evaluation, Inc., this annual evaluation weighs both the academic success and price tag of each college and university across the nation, with a ranking system designed to determine which of the best colleges are the most affordable.

SUU records the lowest annual tuition of the 100 schools listed, proving the hidden gem that is an SUU education.

SUU is also one of just 12 schools from the entire western United States to be named on this list, Southern Utah University is clearly a standout best buy for students across the region. SUU is also one of just 11 schools across the southwestern U.S. to rank on the Best Buy listing.

Placement within this elite classification is quite an honor, as it speaks to the value, as well as the savings, of an SUU education and helps prospective students and their parents pinpoint their very best choices to maximize their tuition dollars.

And that is exactly what prospective students want, according to SUU’s associate vice president for enrollment, Stephen Allen.

Said Allen, “One of the factors that make SUU such a recognized institution are the meaningful experiences that the University provides to students. These experiences, such as internships, undergraduate research, and service learning, complement rigorous coursework and give our students a real advantage when they go on to apply for graduate school or seek employment. You can't put a price tag on these types of value added benefits.”

Beyond a fair, affordable tuition, Southern Utah University provides a personalized and hands-on education unlike any other in the state, with built in academic markers that enable undergraduate research and experiential education that takes students far beyond the walls of the classroom and into the field in which they will one day work.

While the current 2011-12 academic school year marks SUU’s debut on the Best Buys list, it also marks great stride in SUU academics, with the newly introduced Experiential Education Requirement (EER).

The EER provides the support and access to ensure every undergraduate student gains hands-on experience in their chosen field before completing their studies at SUU. Putting theory and discussion into action, the EER is a valuable tool for undergraduate students as they work to build their resumes to become competitive at the professional and graduate school levels and is just one of many academic advantages that make an SUU education — dollar for dollar — impossible to beat.

Institutional Research & Evaluation is an independent research and consulting organization specializing in the recruiting and retention of students for institutions of higher education. Its “America’s 100 Best College Buys” annual listing is based solely on merit and, according to their mission, “Identifies the 100 American colleges and universities providing students the very highest quality education at the lowest cost.”

Results are tabulated based upon the 21st annual National College Survey. Neither this survey nor the resulting rankings are a strategic marketing tool of any given institution, and institutions may not pay to be included in the resulting listings.

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