TEDx Conference to be Held at SUU on March 27, 2013

Published: March 27, 2013 | Read Time: 2 minutes

Researchers of rhetoric, authors of fantasy and zealots for zombies will come together on campus for one night of discussion, sharing from the definition of a man to the infectious nature of creativity in Southern Utah University's first campus-wide TEDx event on Wednesday, March 27.

TED Talks standing for Technology, Entertainment and Design—three topics that have expanded to include numerous disciplines since TED’s conception over 26 years ago. Once a four-day conference in California, TED has now spread and conferences can be found around the world, but each event sticks to the same idea—the distribution of worthwhile ideas, and it is now happening at SUU.

Sharing from their unique backgrounds, SUU's writers, professors, researchers and actors join TEDx, a subset of the increasingly popular TED Talks, to make SUU one of only 20 colleges and universities in the world to receive a TEDx license to distribute lectures through TED's network.

According to event coordinator and SUU senior Melinda Street, “Events such as these provide a conduit for individuals at SUU to disseminate their passions and unique ideas to a broader audience.” While admission to this first TEDx event at SUU is limited by space and because it is being used as a testing ground for filming and broadcast, all of this evening's presentations will be available online for those interested in hearing from any or all of the night's speakers.

“TED is a globally recognized organization, and people like Bill Gates, Jane Goodall and Sir Richard Branson have presented at it,” said Street. “SUU’s TEDx will bring together six speakers from the SUU community presenting on a wide variety of topics that are sure to interest anyone.”

Each presentation at SUU’s TEDx event will be a multi-media demonstration. Speakers include professors Dr. Kevin Stein, Dr. Helen Boswell and Dr. Kyle Bishop, Utah Shakespeare Festival Education Director Michael Bahr, College of Education alumna Melanie Skankey, and current student Chase Harrison.

TEDxSUU will then be available through the TEDx YouTube channel. Search: "tedxsuu".


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