Year-round Love Notes fromUs to You

Published: February 14, 2014 | Read Time: 1 minutes

Albert Einstein once said, "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

Simply put: our students are the heart of our campus, and we're grateful every day for the creativity, enthusiasm and dedication they bring to the Thunderbird community.

A very happy Valentine's Day to you, our students. In lieu of chocolates, we present a small sampling of the may ways we aim to support, entertain and encourage you annually in your pursuit of the SUU experience.

  • $8,501,335 in University Scholarships Granted
  • 12,000 Flowers Planted
  • 1,000 Lip Balms to True T-Birds
  • 2,688 Pizza Slices Noshed (Pizza & Politics alone)
  • 6,523 T-Shirts Gifted
  • 21,161 Miles Traveled by Convocation Speakers
  • 4,800 Fireworks Shot
  • 1,924 Pancakes Flipped
  • 13,296 Braithwaite Gallery Tours Taken
  • 1,200 Campus Tours Led (so glad you picked us!)
  • 4,800 Bread & Soup Nite Bowls Dished
  • 21 Countries Studied Abroad
  • 16,800 Hope Pantry Groceries Donated
  • 11,550 Library Books Purchased
  • 9,548 Tutoring Help Given
  • 22,543 Student Sports Seats Filled
  • 17,784 Swims Splashed
  • 20,000 Free Arts Tickets Booked

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