Translate Your Summer Break into Studying Abroad

Published: September 19, 2014 | Read Time: 2 minutes

Students study abroad in Greece. Walking around campus, typical views are classic brick buildings and swarms of college students. But what if your campus view consisted of tall safari grasses, historic castles, waves crashing against cliffs, or lions feasting on their latest kill? For 130 Southern Utah University that was their campus for the 2014 summer break.

Through the Sargon Heinrich Global Engagement Center these students and faculty members traveled to countries such as Japan to study nutrition, to Greece to study public administration and Swaziland to study photography.

How does traversing the globe in the name of academics better students' education? Provost Brad Cook said, "Studying abroad has enormous potential to change, enhance, and deepen one's outlook on the world, and ourselves! It has immense transformative power in shaping our views and making us more empathetic to the human condition. It gives one perspective and a sense of humility about our place in the world. I strongly encourage every student who can take advantage of the many international opportunities that our Global Engagement Center has to offer."

Jeb Branin, University College associate dean, is one professor who has utilized study abroad program through the Global Engagement Center by being an advisor of the 2014 tour to London, England to study theatre and arts.

Branin said, “The experiences you gain while studying abroad cannot be replicated in the classroom. I am able to discuss Shakespeare while in the original Globe Theatre and instruct about the kings of England while visiting Westminster Abbey.”

Traveling even further around the globe was Amber Sharkey, a senior human nutrition major, who flew to Japan to study nutrition and human development.

She said of her experience, “Going out and seeing new places and meeting new people is a great opportunity for everyone. There are so many interesting parts of the world that we can learn from and experience through study abroad, I loved learning about Japanese traditions and culture.”

Next year even more students are being invited to take part in the 30 plus study abroad programs available. To catch a view of all the available programs, the Global Engagement Center will be hosting their annual Study Abroad Fair in a two-part showcase.

Beginning on Tuesday, September 23 will be the Study Abroad Celebration, where student and faculty who studied abroad last summer will share their experiences at 6 p.m. in the Sharwan Smith Center Living Room.

Staying in the same location, those interested in learning about the different opportunities available next year are invited the next day, Wednesday, September 24, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for the Study Abroad Fair where directors from the various summer programs will be on-hand to provide information and answer questions.

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