Polynesian Club Showcases Culture in Concert

Published: February 26, 2015 | Author: Tommy Gugino | Read Time: 2 minutes

As students in the SUU Polynesian Club prepare for their upcoming concert and review, they are connecting to their past through food, song, stories and dance.

Toa Tawa, adviser for the SUU Polynesian club, quietly reflected for a few seconds and said of their families, “Polynesian families are extremely tight knit family units. And it shouldn’t surprise you that these men and women, though they come from various parts of the world and this nation, they keep constant and frequent ties to their families.”

Tawa proudly said of the students’ success, “I think it can be entirely credited to their families’ desire for their children to build better lives for themselves and their own families”

Created out of the desire for students educate the community, the SUU Polynesian Club has continued to promote their culture to the campus and community through traditional songs and dance mainly through their annual concert, Legends Within Us, a Connection to Our Past.  

Tawa explained, “Dance is not only an opportunity for students to showcase their culture and their talents, but it’s also a way for them to keep connections to each other. That atmosphere of brotherhood, companionship, and stewardship are developed at our concerts and our meetings.”

During a rehearsal for the concert as the music began to play, Viliami Hosea, freshman studying integrated engineering and club member, said of the culture’s dancing, “It plays a big part in our culture. It’s something that really signifies our tradition. It also expresses a lot of emotion and grace behind every move. There is a story behind each of the pieces.”

The concert and review will be performed February 26, 27 and 28 in the SUU Auditorium Theater. Tickets may be purchased the day of the event at the box office. Tickets are $5 for all students (Iron County and SUU Students) and $10 for adults and seniors. 

For more information on this event, visit SUU Events.

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