Student Community built on Cult Hit, 'Community'

Published: April 09, 2015 | Read Time: 2 minutes

A male college student sets up a study group in an attempt to spend more time with a female classmate he likes. That is, until she decides to invite a group of others to join the study session as well.

If that story sounds like typical college behavior to you, you’re right. But it doesn’t end there. It’s only the beginning of a popular six-season television series, Community.

The show, which follows a community college study group full of quirky characters, is known for its unique humor and pop culture references. This has sparked an almost cult-like following among viewers, including a group of Southern Utah University students who recently founded “The Study Group (Community) #SixSeasonsAndAMovie” club (shortened to The Study Group Club). Yes, it has a long name, but club founders Brantz Woolsey and Devin Jackman are elated by the student interest.

“When they announced that the show would be coming back for a sixth season online, we decided we would have to make a club and try to find other Human Beings (the mascot of the community college in the show) that could geek out with us over the new season,” club co-president Woolsey said.

Woolsey said pinpointing what viewers love about the show is difficult. “There are so many things to love: nerdy stylistic episodes, meta-jokes, hilarious cameos and great writing,” he said.

At a recent club fair, the newly-formed club recruited 24 members, a number Woolsey hopes will grow as the group hosts more events.

The main purpose of club meetings is to watch the sixth season of Community together, as well as participate in fun activities that correspond with the show’s characters such as a “Dungeons and Dragons” video game tournament, a paintball or marshmallow war and a dance.  Woolsey promised the group might get some actual studying done, too.

Community relates to a wide audience at SUU, because it mirrors many student’s college experiences including fun, food and studying.

Club co-president Jackman said he has seen elements of the show cross over into his own college experience, “they (the characters) tease each other, but if someone tries to hurt a member of the group, they have the ability to stand together and defend them.” That, Jackman explained, is what he hopes the club will accomplish for students at SUU.

Much like characters of their beloved television show, The Study Group Club members have created a venue for students to come together, have fun, and most importantly feel a part of a community.

The club meets every Tuesday at 8 p.m in Business Building, room 101. All are welcome to attend. 

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