SUU Invites Community To Provide Input on New Strategic Plan

Published: November 17, 2015 | Read Time: 2 minutes

Southern Utah University requests the community’s input regarding the future of the institution. On Thursday, November 19, SUU will present a draft of its Strategic Plan for public questions and comments. Meetings will take place in the Charles Hunter Room of the Hunter Conference Center on SUU’s campus, at 6 p.m.

The strategic planning process began a year ago with the help of the community, faculty, staff, students and trustees. A task force for the effort was appointed in December 2014, as President Scott L Wyatt named Emily Dean, associate professor of anthropology, and Marvin Dodge, vice president for finance and administration, as co-chairs to lead the effort. The task force has some 30 members who reflect the diversity of the University and its programs, but, said the president, the future success of SUU needs the engagement of community members, business and industry leaders.

Mindy Benson, vice president for alumni and community relations, said that input from the community is appreciated. “The strategic team has been pleased by the high degree of interest and participation in the strategic planning process by our colleagues, students, alumni and the Cedar City community,” she said.

Co-Chair Dean said, “We try to reflect the concerns of the community and suggestions in the plan. While it’s been a lot of work, we are happy to have played a part in helping set SUU’s future course.” 

The core themes for the strategic plan are the three E’s: Explore—SUU explores diverse ideas, disciplines, skills, cultures, and places; Engage—SUU creates engaged, intentional, and transformative learning experiences that promote student success; Excel—SUU excels through a commitment to high quality outcomes and student achievement.

SUU’s mission is to be a dynamic teaching and learning community that engages students in experiential education leading to personal growth, civic responsibility, and professional excellence. The intention is that SUU’s vision will receive national recognition for its innovations in learning, student success, and in providing the best educational experience in the intermountain West.

 “The strategic plan for SUU needs you, our neighbors; we depend on you to support student endeavors,” said Kevin Stein, Faculty Senate president. Stein said he believes that the perspective a community member can offer in decision-making is often much different from that offered on campus and that SUU values your input. “Please join the Strategic Planning Committee and help us create bright plans for the future,” he said.

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