Community Education Classes Offered Through Summer

Published: May 01, 2018 | Author: Haven Scott | Read Time: 2 minutes

Cedar City cooking, photography, dancing classes for communityMake your summer meaningful with new community classes from Southern Utah University tailored to fit everybody’s needs. SUU’s Community Education program is now accepting registrations for their summer session of classes designed to be fun, educational and affordable, as well as bringing more social opportunities to southern Utah residents.

SUU Community Education is offering some exciting new summer classes such as Dutch oven cooking, Bard to Ballet, alcohol ink painting, basket weaving, summer parenting fun without technology, hiking Southern Utah forests, financial strategies for retirement, yoga and meditation, and cake decorating, among others.

Most community education summer classes are designed to be one-day, or short-term, giving participants many options to fit their busy summer schedules, said SUU Community Education Director Melynda Thorpe.

“Our goal is to provide members of the community with opportunities to develop new hobbies and skills,” Thorpe said. “This summer, we’re bringing even more of the classes that the community suggested to us.”

More than 200 residents enrolled in SUU Community Education’s inaugural spring session in classes such as the Southern Utah Chef cooking class, social dancing, photography and Adobe Creative Cloud.

Social dance instructor Toni Sage, director of student success at SUU, became involved in a dance club with her husband James, associate provost at SUU, several years ago. Since then, they found dancing is a great way to meet new people in the community so they began teaching dance in several different styles.

“We have taught dance classes for faculty at SUU for four years,” Toni Sage said. “Our first community class with SUU Community Education was an exciting opportunity to share that experience with others in the community — everybody had a lot of fun.”

Summer classes begin May 9 and run through August. For more information on SUU Community Education classes this summer visit, call (435) 856-8259, email or stop by their office at 136 W. University Blvd., Suite 003, Cedar City, Utah.

Tags: Cedar City Community

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