A.P.E.X. Events Presents Living Through Love

Published: February 08, 2021 | Author: Southern Utah University | Read Time: 1 minutes

A.P.E.X. Events Presents Living Through LoveSouthern Utah University's A.P.E.X. Events series is happy to be present their annual event celebrating LGBTQIA+ families and friends. In this year's event titled Living Through Love, couples from the LGBTQIA+ community will be sharing their stories and experiences. Topics to be discussed are love, marriage, career and equality, with the lens of sharing and learning about each other and the journeys of those around us.

“A.P.E.X.Events is a great vehicle for storytelling and this event is one of our favorites each year to tell stories of love," said Dr. Lynn Vartan, director of A.P.E.X. Events. "To celebrate love and inclusion, our annual Valentines Day event features members of the LGBTQIA+ community and their stories of love, family, marriage and career.”

As our celebration of love for Valentine's Day, join A.P.E.X. Events on February 11 at 11:30 a.m. in the Great Hall of the Hunter Conference Center on the campus of SUU. 

A.P.E.X. Events is SUU’s premier weekly lecture series, with speakers and presenters invited from all areas of the world. While on campus, guests are invited to interact with students and faculty in multiple ways, with opportunities to connect and network in vast areas of scholarship. All A.P.E.X. events are free and open to the public.

This semester, A.P.E.X. Event presentations will also be streamed live via Zoom. Join the event virtually at suu-edu.zoom.us/j/95861182001?pwd=U2NpZnhNR1NDMGtndWt0RVNSNEJLZz09.  

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