A.P.E.X. Events Presents Kerstin Plehwe

Published: March 22, 2021 | Author: Southern Utah University | Read Time: 2 minutes

A.P.E.X. Events Presents Kerstin PlehweSouthern Utah University's A.P.E.X. Events is thrilled to present Kerstin Plehwe on March 31, 2021 at 11:30 a.m. in the Great Hall of the Hunter Conference Center. Plehwe will present the keynote speech to highlight the great scholarship and celebration of education that is the Festival of Excellence at SUU. 

“Kerstin is absolutely one of the most inspiring women I have ever met,” said Dr. Lynn Vartan, director of A.P.E.X. Events. “She is the perfect fit for finishing off our season and celebrating the Festival of Excellence and will take us all to higher aims for sure.”

Plehwe, affectionately called "KP" by friends and clients alike, is an entrepreneur, speaker, and bestselling author born in Munich, Germany. She is a world-traveled, energizing personality that embodies the spirit of entrepreneurship and passion. She believes the biggest obstacle for success is the inability of humans to adapt to change, an attitude which she seeks to change.

Plehwe is an international business expert and visionary thought leader who is powered by her passion for excellence and innovation. And she is a trailblazer by being the first female president of the German DMA and the first German to win the prestigious US Pollie Award. She has worked with top politicians, Olympic athletes, and corporate executives. Her busy life as keynote speaker, company owner, and philanthropist has brought her to more than 25 countries including South Africa, Japan, and the USA.

In her early forties, she followed her core passion and became a Ranger in the South African wilderness – an out-of-comfort zone learning experience that changed her views on life and leadership forever. Her book, based on this experience, became a bestseller and has inspired thousands of readers to refuel their passions and grow beyond their comfort zone. Today Kerstin Plehwe is a sought-after motivational speaker, author and activist. Her change - creating insights from the corporate, political and wilderness world inspire audiences to embrace change and use it as a competitive advantage, reconnect with nature and master new leadership challenges.

A.P.E.X. Events is SUU’s premier weekly lecture series, with speakers and presenters invited from all areas of the world. While on campus, guests are invited to interact with students and faculty in multiple ways, with opportunities to connect and network in vast areas of scholarship. All A.P.E.X. events are free and open to the public.

This semester, A.P.E.X. Event presentations will also be streamed live via Zoom. Join the event virtually at suu-edu.zoom.us/j/95861182001?pwd=U2NpZnhNR1NDMGtndWt0RVNSNEJLZz09.

Tags: APEX Festival of Excellence

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