SUU Student Studies Abroad During Coronation

Published: June 20, 2023 | Author: Abbie Cochrane | Read Time: 3 minutes

Athens WebsterAthens Webster, a senior majoring in history at Southern Utah University, had the opportunity to study abroad this spring with the annual SUU Theater in London trip. This year’s trip was especially unique because the students were in London during the coronation of King Charles III.

“I chose this trip mainly because of the amount of theater experiences,” said Webster. “Seven shows is nothing to sneeze at, and it was incredible to see the shows on the West End and the Globe Theater. High-end theater is always unlike anything else, and being able to see so much of it in such a cool place is an unforgettable experience! I think The Play that Goes Wrong was my favorite show. The cast was phenomenal–we even got to meet them after and they were so kind.”

One of SUU’s most popular study abroad trips is SUU Theater in London. Students from any major are invited to join, and they see many historical sites, museums, and theatrical productions along the way–they even take a day at the Harry Potter museum at Warner Brothers Studios. Last year the trip was held as the United Kingdon prepared for Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee.

This isn’t the first time Webster has studied beyond the United States–during 2019-2020, they studied abroad in Italy for SUU’s Jumpstart Program, which was cut short due to COVID-19, but they still loved the experience.

Webster described how intriguing it was to be in London during this monumental time;

“Personally, the most interesting thing about the coronation was the disconnect between the pomp of the event compared to the rather bleak conditions of the country,” said Webster. “One day the headline of the newspaper would be discussing the coronation, and the next the cost of living crisis.”

Royal coronations have been happening in the United Kingdom for nearly a millennium, the first documented coronation being that of William the Conqueror in 1066. Coronations have taken place in Westminster Abbey since October of 1269, with approximately 62 monarchs receiving ruling power in those halls.

King Charles’s coronation followed a similar tradition, starting in a grand procession from Buckingham Palace through the streets of London. Once he arrived at Westminster Abbey, the Archbishop of Canterbury presented the soon-to-be-king to the congregation, who chanted ‘God Save the King!’ amidst a symphony of trumpets. After swearing an oath to uphold the law and the Church of England, the King was presented with the Royal Orb and the Sovereign’s Sceptre before having the 17th century, solid gold crown placed on his head. The King then returned to Buckingham Palace and appeared on the balcony of the palace with members of the Royal Family, representing the start of a new era.

Webster offers their gratitude to those who helped make the trip possible, and offers special thanks to Professors Jeb Branin and Josh Stavros. See more of Webster’s trip on the SUU T-Bird Takeover Instagram account.

Southern Utah University provides many wonderful opportunities for students to study abroad to locations all over the world. With several different kinds of study abroad programs for students of any major, T-Birds are able to see different cultures from all over the globe, and learn a little more about themselves along the way. Learn more about SUU’s Office of Learning Abroad.

Tags: College of Humanities and Social Sciences Study Abroad History Sociology and Anthropology History

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