SUU Student Chosen to be a Contestant on The Price Is Right
Published: January 12, 2024 | Author: SUU | Read Time: 2 minutes
Lindsey Wessling, a sophomore studying Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Tourism, recently had the thrill of a lifetime as a contestant on the iconic television game show, The Price Is Right.
Airing on Thursday, January 11, viewers across the nation tuned in to witness Wessling's exciting appearance on the beloved show. A lifelong fan of The Price Is Right, Wessling's dream of being selected to "Come on down!" became a reality, showcasing the unique and diverse talents of SUU students.
"I've been watching The Price Is Right since I was a little kid, and being a contestant is something I've always dreamed of,” said Wessling. “When I heard my name, it was surreal – a dream come true! The experience was incredible, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to represent SUU."
With over 120 audience members for the producers to choose from, being selected as a contestant takes much more than luck. “When you get to the studio in Los Angeles there is a lot of waiting around. First, you wait in line outside, then you wait in a holding room before every contestant is interviewed by the casting producers,” Wessling said. “The producers watch the audience the entire time and take notes on their behavior and how they interact with others. I knew that I had to be my most outgoing and fun self, so I tried to introduce myself to as many people as possible and be a friendly face.”
However, it is the interview that helps producers select who they want to “Come on down!”.
“I knew the interview was my moment to stand out, Wessling said. “So before I left Cedar City I wrote an essay titled “Why I Would be the Perfect Contestant on The Price Is Right.” Then I printed it out and brought it with me. When it was my turn to talk during the group interview, I pulled the essay out of my shirt and proudly handed it to the producers. I don’t think anyone had ever done that before so they were impressed and it was memorable. I think my interview played a large role in getting selected as a contestant!”
While Wessling didn’t win big on The Price Is Right, the SUU community congratulates her on the unforgettable experience and wishes her continued success in her studies and future endeavors. As the university continues to foster an environment that encourages students to pursue their dreams, Wessing's appearance on The Price Is Right serves as a testament to the limitless possibilities available to SUU students.
Tags: Outdoor Recreation CurStu