SUU Ranked as Best 4-Year Public University for Student Satisfaction in the Nation

Published: August 30, 2024 | Read Time: 2 minutes

SUU Student walking outside on campusSouthern Utah University is excited to announce that it has been ranked the best 4-year public university in the nation according to EdSight’s Student Voice Score for 2024™.

The Student Voice Score (SVS) is an industry-first benchmark used to measure satisfaction from college students across the country, assessing universities based on key factors that include academic experience, student life and community, engagement with faculty and staff, campus facilities and resources, and overall career preparations.

This years’ report collected responses from over 57,000 students representing 101 institutions in the spring of 2024. The SVS uses the same methodology as national Net Promoter Scores (NPS).

This approach to measuring student sentiment allows campuses across the country to receive an unbiased understanding of their students’ satisfaction with their college experience and observe how the sentiment varies across student populations

“SUU is extremely proud to have the highest SVS among public 4-year universities,” said Jared Tippets, SUU Vice President of Student Affairs. “We believe we have something special here at SUU, and the students have confirmed this with their response to the SVS.This achievement underscores and validates our unwavering commitment to putting our students' experience and satisfaction at the forefront of everything we do. It is a testament to the dedication, care, and concern that our amazing faculty and staff have for our students.”

You can view the full SVS report here.

About Southern Utah University

Southern Utah University is a caring campus community where students realize their potential with personalized guidance from mentors who are dedicated to their success. Offering a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs, SUU provides hands-on, career-focused learning that prepares students for the future. Located in the world’s best backyard, SUU’s safe and vibrant campus offers both an inspiring setting and a strong community. Whether on campus or online, SUU provides an education that is competitively priced and highly valued, giving students the skills and confidence to thrive in any professional setting. This is where students soar.

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Brooke Heath