Sidebar MenuGiving to SUU & CPVA - SUU

Supporting Students... Supporting the Arts...

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Our students need your support through scholarships or other gifts in order to complete their education. Scholarship support for an arts student translates directly into time students can spend on stage or in the studio or practice room developing their skills and talent. You'll receive the satisfaction of knowing your gift will help the artists and arts teachers of tomorrow today.

Support a scholarship in your name, consider endowing a chair in the arts or help support performing arts facilities and equipment essential for a quality education. 

"The measure of your life will not be what you accumulate, but what you give away." Dr. Wayne Dyer, The Power of Intention

Experiential Opportunity Scholarship

The motto of SUU, “Learning Lives Forever”, is engrained in every department across campus. This includes learning by doing. SUU and the College of Visual and Performing Arts (CPVA) understand that to really know the area of study that students focus on, they must be in it, experiencing it on a physical level, not just theoretical. Assist the College of Visual and Performing Arts (CPVA) students to experience opportunities outside of the classroom. Gifts to CPVA’s Experiential Opportunity Scholarship provide students with:

  • Conference registration
  • Workshop fees
  • Some student travel