Personal Information Changes
Students may update the following information online:
- Your PIN
- Security Question
- Local Address
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Emergency Contacts
- Marital Status
Log into the mySUU Portal:
- Under the BANNER section
- Select "Address Update" (from there you can update phone, email, and address)
Address/Phone/Email Changes
Students who are unable to change their address online may submit a completed Change of Personal Information Request to the Registrar's Office.
Name Changes
Please complete the Change of Personal Information Request and submit it to the Registrar's office with a government issued picture identification, as well as an original court document, or notarized copy recording the marriage or name change, or a government document (from the INS, State Department, etc.) showing the name you wish to use.
Please note if you have ever been employed by SUU, you must make changes with Human Resources