The Hunter Alumni Center Building

Division of Campus Operations

Welcome to Campus Operations! Our division is responsible for the operational units of SUU, including Facilities Management, SUU Police/Public Safety, Emergency Management, Fleet Operations, Parking, and Risk Management. We are a service-oriented organization that is here to meet the needs of students, faculty, staff, and our community partners. Enhancing student success is at the core of our purpose.

Campus Operations works for you - please contact one of our departments if you...

  • Need help with campus facilities, including maintenance, remodels, or development
  • Are planning a large event - we can help with insurance, risk mitigation, compliance, and safety
  • Need a motor pool vehicle or parking permit
  • Have questions about Public Safety issues related to the SUU Police Department

What we do on campus, we cannot do alone. Campus Operations needs your help! Please think about your area of campus and your circle of influence and talk with your colleagues about how you can effect change for the better. Please report safety and facilities issues. Together, we will continue to make SUU a safer place to work, earn a degree, and engage in meaningful ways.